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Thread: expect on debian

  1. #1
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    expect on debian

    Hi all.

    I have made a bash / expect script to connect to a server, and download multiple files.
    And expect connects to the server all fine and dandy, but when the file is downloaded it freezes until i hit ctrl - c, and then it downloads the second file in the list.

    I have tried to figure out why it docent right away download file 2 after file 1 is complete, but no luck so far. So was hoping some of you guys would take a look at it here.

    Please note, i have very little experience with expect.
    lines=$(cat film.txt)
    for line in $lines
    /usr/bin/expect - << EndMark
    set timeout -1
    spawn ssh user@ip
    expect "user@ip's password:"
    send "password\r"
    sleep 2
    send "scp /path/${line} root@destination-ip:/path/\r"
    expect "root@ip's password:"
    send "password\r"
    expect eof
    send "exit\r"
    exit 0
    And if anyone has a better solution then to close and open a new session for each download, i'am all ears as i stated.
    Little experience with expect.
    Last edited by Drenriza; November 24th, 2011 at 02:35 PM.

  2. #2
    hakermania's Avatar
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    Re: expect on debian

    Hello, I want to point out that while I have heard about expect, I've never used it. I have some suggestions so as not to open different sessions for each download and a more bash-friendly reading of the file.
    If I've got it right, expect reads output and when it comes with a matching string it just proceeds to the following code.
    If I'm right, then the script could go as:
    /usr/bin/expect - << EndMark
    set timeout -1
    spawn ssh user@ip
    expect "user@ip's password:"
    send "password\r"
    sleep 2
    while read line; do
       send "scp /path/${line} root@destination-ip:/path/\r"
       expect "root@ip's password:"
       send "password\r"
       expect eof ## <- HERE expect the eof and then do a new request for another file(proceed to the while loop again).
    done < film.txt
    send "exit\r"
    exit 0
    Because I have never worked with ssh either, will it expect for root@ip's password every time you try to download a file from the same session? If yes, then the above code is right, it asks for passwd each time a file is being downloaded.
    If not, then the code could go as:
    /usr/bin/expect - << EndMark
    set timeout -1
    spawn ssh user@ip
    expect "user@ip's password:"
    send "password\r"
    sleep 2
    first_time=1 # <- HERE making a variable so as to know which is the 1st time.
    while read line; do
       send "scp /path/${line} root@destination-ip:/path/\r"
       if [ first_time -eq 1 ]; then # <- HERE, the 1st time first_time will be 1, so it'll ask for password!
          expect "root@ip's password:"
          send "password\r"
          first_time=0 # <- HERE, setting first_time as 0, so as not to pass the above 'if' statement again.
       expect eof
    done < film.txt
    send "exit\r"
    exit 0
    Hope I helped a bit or a byte
    Last edited by hakermania; November 24th, 2011 at 07:21 PM.

  3. #3
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    Re: expect on debian

    Quote Originally Posted by hakermania View Post
    Hello, I want to point out that while I have heard about expect, I've never used it. I have some suggestions so as not to open different sessions for each download and a more bash-friendly reading of the file.
    If I've got it right, expect reads output and when it comes with a matching string it just proceeds to the following code.
    If I'm right, then the script could go as:
    /usr/bin/expect - << EndMark
    set timeout -1
    spawn ssh user@ip
    expect "user@ip's password:"
    send "password\r"
    sleep 2
    while read line; do
       send "scp /path/${line} root@destination-ip:/path/\r"
       expect "root@ip's password:"
       send "password\r"
       expect eof ## <- HERE expect the eof and then do a new request for another file(proceed to the while loop again).
    done < film.txt
    send "exit\r"
    exit 0
    Because I have never worked with ssh either, will it expect for root@ip's password every time you try to download a file from the same session? If yes, then the above code is right, it asks for passwd each time a file is being downloaded.
    If not, then the code could go as:
    /usr/bin/expect - << EndMark
    set timeout -1
    spawn ssh user@ip
    expect "user@ip's password:"
    send "password\r"
    sleep 2
    first_time=1 # <- HERE making a variable so as to know which is the 1st time.
    while read line; do
       send "scp /path/${line} root@destination-ip:/path/\r"
       if [ first_time -eq 1 ]; then # <- HERE, the 1st time first_time will be 1, so it'll ask for password!
          expect "root@ip's password:"
          send "password\r"
          first_time=0 # <- HERE, setting first_time as 0, so as not to pass the above 'if' statement again.
       expect eof
    done < film.txt
    send "exit\r"
    exit 0
    Hope I helped a bit or a byte
    Hi hakermania.
    I will try and try to work with your code example. And the new information you have given to me


  4. #4
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    Re: expect on debian


    I didn't get far. Apparently Expect doesn't regonise the while loop.
    But is their anyone who can tell me, why in my script it does not download file2 when file1 is done. It just sits idle and waits for an ctrl - c to continue. Anyone who can enlighten me?

  5. #5
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    Re: expect on debian

    Quote Originally Posted by Drenriza View Post

    I didn't get far. Apparently Expect doesn't regonise the while loop.
    But is their anyone who can tell me, why in my script it does not download file2 when file1 is done. It just sits idle and waits for an ctrl - c to continue. Anyone who can enlighten me?
    Dreniza, can I have a screenshot of an operation in which you login, download 2 files and then exit? This will help me a lot so as to work with the 'expect'. Basically I need to know the strings that are being shown when operations are done. For example, instead of
    expect eof
    something else could be used, because this, apparently doesn't work?

  6. #6
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    Re: expect on debian

    Hi hakermania.
    Well i have been digging a bit in the timeout function. And it seams that timeout -1 is an infinitive timeout. And for some reason the expect script does not notice the expect eof function. And then never times out.

    Besides that, their is not a lot to expect "something" since when scp is finnished downloading, it just creates a new line. I don't know if you can create an expect statement on that. So now i'am trying with rsync and see if this makes any difference.

    At least rsync shows the download in bytes. So i believe i can create an expect statement on the fileSize.
    Last edited by Drenriza; November 28th, 2011 at 03:39 PM.

  7. #7
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    Re: expect on debian

    So this seams to work.

    linesName=$(cat film.txt |awk '{print $8}')
    for line in $linesName
    /usr/bin/expect - << EndMark
    set timeout -1
    spawn rsync -a -r -z -v --progress --partial -e ssh user@ip:/path/${line} /destination/
    expect "user@ip password:"
    sleep 2
    send "password\r"
    expect eof
    exit 0

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    Smile Re: expect on debian

    Quote Originally Posted by Drenriza View Post
    So this seams to work.
    Yes, but again you will have to login multiple times so as to download every file!
    If this doesn't bother you, then it's OK, but if it does, then you should see what you could 'expect' instead of 'eof'. I mean, when you call:
    expect eof
    in the previous code-example, are you sure you couldn't detect in some other way that the file downloading has finished?
    That's why I asked for a screenshot actually. If for example it is like this:
    alex@MaD-pc:~$ ssh user@ip
    user@ip password:
    File successfully downloaded!
    scp> Write anything I like here
    then the corresponding code could be:
    expect "scp>"
    and then to send the command so as to download the next file. Are you sure this cannot be done with sftp as well?

    I recently made this using the sftp, it actually updates the live earth image over here, after it is being uploaded to (you gave me the original idea by reminding me about expect ):
    #Below, I am creating the html page so as to be uploaded afterwards, do not be bothered by this
    ./create_html $1 "$2"
    #expect takes action here
    /usr/bin/expect - << EndMark
    set timeout -1
    spawn sftp
    expect "'s password: "
    send "password\r"
    expect "Connected to"
    send "cd htdocs\r"
    expect "sftp>"
    send "put screenshots.html\r"
    sleep 5
    You can take this as example and make it, instead of 'put'ting to download files to your local disk, using a while or for loop.

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