Hey guys. One of the major reasons I switched from Windows to Ubuntu was for the free digital recording software (Ardour, Rosegarden, etc.), but I've been having a lot of trouble getting that sort of thing to work. I've downloaded Ardour as well as Rosegarden, and neither one of them will record anything I put into it. I can get Ardour to play the audio I'm putting through (I run my guitar through the line in port). The audio meters rise, and the guitar plays through my speakers. However, when I arm it to record and press the record button, the track will skim along as if it's playing, and nothing is recorded. The one program I have been able to record through is Audacity, but that's only when I run the Windows version through Wine. Apparently Ubuntu hates my computer. Do you guys have any suggestions for me? I can give extra information if needed. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated; if I can't figure this problem out, I'll most likely be switching back over to windows
It helps to know what version of Ubuntu you are using. I am going to assume it is 11.10. Click on the sound icon and select Sound Settings. Check the Hardware tab and both Input and Output tabs. Make sure things are not muted and if necessary set the Input and Output volumes above 100% Make sure that the hardware is set for Internal and that the Input is also Internal. I use Sound Recorder to record BBC radio programs as the play over the Internet but I had to mess around with the sound settings trying different profiles. I found that Internal Audio 1 output/ 1 input Analogue Stereo Duplex to work. You may have different choices depending on the hardware in your machine. Regards.
It is a machine. It is more stupid than we are. It will not stop us from doing stupid things. Ubuntu user #33,200. Linux user #530,530
Yes, I am using 11.10. I've done all that, and it's set up as it should be. I'm using the Stereo Duplex option, and it works fine if I use Audacity or the Sound Recorder. But when I try to use an audio sequencer, nothing records. I can get the applications to detect and play back audio, but they won't record anything. Thanks a bunch for the reply.
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