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Thread: Evolution 3 & Google Calendar sync.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Exclamation Evolution 3 & Google Calendar sync.

    Hello!! I recently installed Ubuntu 11.10 with GNOME 3, which is awesome! It comes with Thunderbird, but I chose to install Evolution 3 instead. The only problem I have is that I cannot sync evolution 3 with Google calendar. Can anyone help me please?? Thanks!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Smile SOLVED!!!: Evolution 3 & Google Calendar sync.

    I continued looking on the web to find how to sync my Google Calendar in Evolution 3 (under Ubuntu 11.10/GNOME 3 shell) and saw a post from a Fedora user with the same issue. I tried his solution and it worked!!!
    here it is:

    "I was digging in gconf-editor, because of another problem, and I found the evolution entry in apps/evolution
    there is a key called "source" in addressbook and calendar also, and they differ. the calendar had no "google" source. I simply copied it from the addressbook part (double click on sources under addressbook, select the one with name="Google", press edit, copy it's content) and added a new entry to the source key under calendar (same procedure, but press add when editing the key).
    At this point when switching to calendars in evolution, I had it there. I renamed it, and pressed ok, it asked for my password, AND THAT'S IT!

    I think I had luck " --- Aron



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