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Thread: Using stdin to add Samba user/password in bash script

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Using stdin to add Samba user/password in bash script

    Hi, I am writing a script that will add a user to my server that includes a system user, samba user, shared samba and nfs home folder, access to a public folder and possibly an rsa key for my vpn. Anyway everything was going fine until I needed to add the Samba user and I can't for the life of me figure out how to use stdin to give the smbpasswd program the password that is/will be defined by a read input from the user, meant to be used for both the system id and the samba id. I like to divide my scripts into small functions to be added to a main routine later on so here is my function:

    # Add user and password to Samba
    function samba_add
    	(echo $pass; echo $pass) | smbpasswd -s -a $user
    and this is the output it gives me from bash -x
    + read user
    + read pass
    + echo password
    + echo password
    + smbpasswd -s -a user
    Failed to add entry for user user.
    and if I only have one instance of the password, ie:
    # Add user and password to Samba
    function samba_add
    	(echo $pass) | smbpasswd -s -a $user
    i get
    + read user
    + read pass
    + echo password
    + smbpasswd -s -a user
    Mismatch - password unchanged.
    Unable to get new password.
    so it seems to me that it is taking the password, based on the results I get from the script using only one instance of the password variable because it gives a mismatch error. Meaning the password entered is not a match with nothing/empty. So how do I send the contents of the password variable to the initial prompt for the smbpasswd and the verification prompt?
    Last edited by RyanRahl; October 20th, 2011 at 11:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Using stdin to add Samba user/password in bash script

    you can try this:
    echo -e "$pass\n$pass" | smbpasswd -s -a $user
    smbpasswd -a $user<<EOF
    I hope this helps

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Using stdin to add Samba user/password in bash script

    Quote Originally Posted by RyanRahl View Post
    Hi, I am writing a script that will add a user to my server that includes a system user, samba user, shared samba and nfs home folder, access to a public folder and possibly an rsa key for my vpn. Anyway everything was going fine until I needed to add the Samba user and I can't for the life of me figure out how to use stdin to give the smbpasswd program the password that is/will be defined by a read input from the user, meant to be used for both the system id and the samba id. I like to divide my scripts into small functions to be added to a main routine later on so here is my function:
    Hi Ryan

    There's nothing wrong with your original shell script: the problem is with the configuration of samba passwords. The output is consistent with no user called 'user' in /etc/passwd, and Samba configured to require one in /etc/samba/smb.conf ("security = user", I believe). Perhaps you just need to add the user (with adduser or whatever you use) before smbpasswd?

    To check it, try "smbpasswd -s -a user" on the command line and see if you get the same response.

    Hope that helps

    Kind regards,

    This test file worked exactly as you wanted it to. Though you really need quotes around the password, to protect to allow passwrds with spaces and so on.

    Tested with smbpasswd that comes with smbd 3.4.0, Ubuntu 10.4

    function samba_add
        (echo "$pass"; echo "$pass") | smbpasswd -s -a $user
    I was able to run it as follows: the first time it adds a user, the second time it just modifies it.

    $ sudo bash -x test
    + user=ftp
    + pass=silly
    + samba_add
    + echo silly
    + smbpasswd -s -a ftp
    + echo silly
    Added user ftp.
    $ sudo bash -x test
    + user=ftp
    + pass=silly
    + samba_add
    + echo silly
    + smbpasswd -s -a ftp
    + echo silly
    Last edited by Jonathan L; October 21st, 2011 at 11:35 AM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Using stdin to add Samba user/password in bash script

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan L View Post
    Perhaps you just need to add the user (with adduser or whatever you use) before smbpasswd?
    Ahhh, a very silly oversight on my part. As I was writing the script I was testing functions individually so the user in question did on exist on the system. Thank you for pointing that out.

    Though you really need quotes around the password, to protect to allow passwrds with spaces and so on.
    Thank you for the tip.

    @vasile002: Thank you for the suggestions, I have not tried them but I don't see any reason they wouldn't work.

    So now my script is functioning perfectly. It adds a system user, home folder, samba share and user, gives group permissions to the user to access a predefined pubic folder and gives the "supervisor" permissions to access the new users folder. I'm thinking about adding a function to create an NFS export depending on what kind of client machines I get. Thank you for your help and here is the script for anyone who wants to use it.
    (note: for this script to work you must have a working Samba server and a public folder and group)

    user=user            		     # New user name
    pass="password"     	          # New user password
    admin_user=$USERNAME	          # Supervisor's account name
    samba_config=/etc/samba/smb.conf   # Path to Samba config file (smb.conf)
    ## Check for root access
    root_check ()
         if [ $(id -u) != "0" ]
              then echo "Need to be root" >&2; exit 1
    # Obtain variable values from user input
    get_variables ()
         echo "+++++User Creation+++++"
         echo -n "Enter user name:"
              read user
         echo -n "Enter Password:"
              read -s pass
         echo ""
         echo -n "Verify Password:"
              read -s passv
              if [ "$pass" != "$passv" ]
                   then echo "Passwords do not match" >&2; exit 1
         echo ""
         echo -n "Supervisor's user name:"
              read admin_user
    # Add system user with home directory and public group permissions then
    # set encrypted password
    add_user ()
    	useradd $user -m -G public -s /dev/null
    	echo "$user:$pass" | chpasswd
    # Add supervisor to users group for ease of administraton
    admin2group ()
    	usermod -a -G $user $admin_user
    # Capitalize user name for Samba share name
    capitalize_first ()
      FirstChar=`echo "$firstchar" | tr a-z A-Z`
      echo "$FirstChar$user1"
    # Add user and password to Samba
    add_samba ()
    	(echo "$pass"; echo "$pass") | smbpasswd -s -a $user
    # Add Samba share and public permissions for new user
    # Public share must be formatted as follows for the first 5 lines:
    #                 [Public]                                                    #
    #                   path = /home/public                                       #
    #                   comment = Public Folder                                   #
    #                   valid users = (user names here)                           #
    #                   write list = (user names here)          
    add_share ()
    	echo -e "\n[$capname]\n path = /home/$user\n comment = $capname's Folder\n guest ok = no\n browseable = yes\n write list = $user $admin_user\n create mask = 0771" >> $samba_config # Create private share for user
    	sed -i '/\[Public\]/{n;n;n;s/$/ '$user'/;}' $samba_config # Add user to valid users in public share
    	sed -i '/\[Public\]/{n;n;n;n;s/$/ '$user'/;}' $samba_config # Add user to write list in public share
    # Restart Samba server
    smbd_restart ()
    	smbd restart
    ### Main Routine
    # Get user info and get going
    # Create system and samba user with home directory
    echo "Creating user"
         add_user && add_samba
              if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
                   echo "Completed user creation"
                   echo "Failed to create user" >&2; exit 1
    # Create shares in smb.conf and add supervisor to user's group
    echo "Creating shares and permissions"
         add_share && admin2group
              if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
                   echo "Completed share and permission creation"
                   echo "Failed to create share or permissions" >&2; exit 1
    # Restart samba
    echo "Restarting Samba sharing service"
              if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
                   echo "Complete"
                   echo "Fail" >&2; exit 1
    Thanks again for your help.
    Last edited by RyanRahl; February 7th, 2012 at 06:30 PM. Reason: Updated script for broader use, fixed security flaw to encrypt passwords, added capitalization, added public samba permission

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Re: Using stdin to add Samba user/password in bash script

    Quote Originally Posted by RyanRahl View Post
    Ahhh, a very silly oversight on my part. As I was writing the script I was testing functions individually so the user in question did on exist on the system. Thank you for pointing that out.

    Thank you for the tip.

    @vasile002: Thank you for the suggestions, I have not tried them but I don't see any reason they wouldn't work.

    So now my script is functioning perfectly. It adds a system user, home folder, samba share and user, gives group permissions to the user to access a predefined pubic folder and gives the "supervisor" permissions to access the new users folder. I'm thinking about adding a function to create an NFS export depending on what kind of client machines I get. Thank you for your help and here is the script for anyone who wants to use it.
    (note: for this script to work you must have a working Samba server and a public folder and group)

    user=user            		     # New user name
    pass="password"     	          # New user password
    admin_user=$USERNAME	          # Supervisor's account name
    samba_config=/etc/samba/smb.conf   # Path to Samba config file (smb.conf)
    ## Check for root access
    function root_check
         if [ $(id -u) != "0" ]
              then echo "Need to be root" >&2; exit 1
    # Obtain variable values from user input
    function get_variables
         echo "+++++User Creation+++++"
         echo -n "Enter user name:"
              read user
         echo -n "Enter Password:"
              read -s pass
         echo ""
         echo -n "Verify Password:"
              read -s passv
              if [ "$pass" != "$passv" ]
                   then echo "Passwords do not match" >&2; exit 1
         echo ""
         echo -n "Supervisor's admin user name:"
              read admin_user
    # Add user with home directory and public group permissions
    function add_user
    	useradd $user -m -G public -d /home/$user -p $pass
    # Add admin to users group for ease of administraton
    function admin2group
    	usermod -a -G $user $admin_user
    # Add user and password to Samba
    function add_samba
    	(echo "$pass"; echo "$pass") | smbpasswd -s -a $user
    # Add Samba share for new user
    function add_share
    	echo -e "\n[$user]\n path = /home/$user\n comment = $user's Folder\n guest ok = no\n browseable = yes\n write list = $user $admin_user" >> $samba_config
    # Restart Samba server
    function smbd_restart
    	smbd restart
    ### Main Routine
    # Get user info and get going
    # Create system and samba user with home directory
    echo "Creating user"
         add_user && add_samba
              if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
                   echo "Completed user creation"
                   echo "Failed to create user" >&2; exit 1
    # Create shares in smb.conf and add admin to user's group
    echo "Creating shares and permissions"
         add_share && admin2group
              if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
                   echo "Completed share and permission creation"
                   echo "Failed to create share or permissions" >&2; exit 1
    # Restart samba
    echo "Restarting Samba sharing service"
              if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
                   echo "Complete"
                   echo "Fail" >&2; exit 1
    Thanks again for your help.
    Why are you creating interactive users (access to an interactive shell and a home directory)? You might think about how to create a user that can't login to the server. Maybe useradd -r (--system). See the man pages. Using the utility adduser this would be adduser --system. See the "add a system user" section of the man pages (man adduser).

  6. #6
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    Re: Using stdin to add Samba user/password in bash script

    @capscrew, I am using pubkey authentication for ssh but you still make a very valid point.

    Revised function:
    # Add user with home directory and public group permissions
    function add_user
    	useradd $user -r -m -G public -d /home/$user -p $pass
    So if I wanted to give a user access to a shell later on will I be able to do this with usermod? Is access to an interactive shell and a home directory the only difference between interactive and system users?

  7. #7
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    Re: Using stdin to add Samba user/password in bash script

    Quote Originally Posted by RyanRahl View Post
    @capscrew, I am using pubkey authentication for ssh but you still make a very valid point.

    Revised function:
    # Add user with home directory and public group permissions
    function add_user
    	useradd $user -r -m -G public -d /home/$user -p $pass
    So if I wanted to give a user access to a shell later on will I be able to do this with usermod? Is access to an interactive shell and a home directory the only difference between interactive and system users?
    As far as I know the interactive shell access and home dir is all that separates a mortal user from a system user. Think of samba server with 200 users of the share that you need to police from messing with your server. Not to mention all those home directories that they have a right to. I think I would drop the -d /home/$user from the script and see what happens. All in all, a very nice script you have created.

    Edit: There is one more thing about system users -- NO PASSWORD. This means you do not have to sync the Ubuntu pass with the samba user pass. No PAM problems either. Yes the smbpasswd will work. The limitation is that there must be a Ubuntu user, not whether it has a password.

    Yes you can update the account with usermod. You can add a home directory as well as an interactive shell.
    Last edited by capscrew; October 22nd, 2011 at 12:09 AM.

  8. #8
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    Re: Using stdin to add Samba user/password in bash script

    Thanks! You've been helpful. So if I want to give shell access to one of my users (it will be rbash) I will have to give the account a password even though it is a system account effectively making it an interactive account. Best to start a restricted as possible and give users access as needed. I have read permissions on the home folders only for the owner and the owner's group so the other users should not have access to other users home folders. For the interactive users I suppose I should add a chroot to their login script anyway.

    what would be the reason to drop the "-d /home/$user" from the function?
    Last edited by RyanRahl; October 22nd, 2011 at 12:36 AM. Reason: added question

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Re: Using stdin to add Samba user/password in bash script

    food for thought..... let xinetd do the work for you. inthe xinetd.d directory setup a service to your script (I happen to use perl since I am more comfortable with it) ... but std in will be bound to a port for input.

    my $old_fh = select(STDOUT);
    $| = 1; #kill buffering to filehandle so it doesnt delay sh**

    while( my $line = <STDIN> )
    $line =~ s/\r?\n$//;
    if ($line =~ /quit/)
    die "shutting down\n";
    elsif ($line eq "panic")
    print "PANIC forcing shutup !\n";

    just a clip from a script I had running to automatically do a couple of things from a remote socket connection. This was the most basic example I had. Hope that helps a bit. If you decide to add users remotely this setup will work great for you.

    -Eric Peyser
    Last edited by erixnow; October 22nd, 2011 at 07:08 PM.

  10. #10
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    Re: Using stdin to add Samba user/password in bash script

    Quote Originally Posted by capscrew View Post
    Why are you creating interactive users (access to an interactive shell and a home directory)? You might think about how to create a user that can't login to the server. Maybe useradd -r (--system). See the man pages. Using the utility adduser this would be adduser --system. See the "add a system user" section of the man pages (man adduser).
    I use this command to add my samba users:
    useradd htpc -u 1001 -M -d /dev/null -s /dev/null -U -G raid
    Is that the correct way to do it?
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