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Thread: MKV to MP4 for playback on PS3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    MKV to MP4 for playback on PS3

    Hello all. I've been running into a brick wall on this for a couple weeks so I thought I'd post and let the experts help me. I have some SD and HD mkv files that I'm trying to get to play on my ps3 via mediatomb. I couldn't ever get transcoding to work with mediatomb, so I thought I'd just go ahead and take the time to either convert them or remux them into mp4. Nothing I've done seems to work and I'll explain in detail.

    First, I followed this guide detailing how to demux the mkv to get the audio and video seperate, convert the audio to aac (because mp4 only takes aac audio) and then remux them with MP4Box to get a h264 mp4. I have tried that at least 3 times on a HD mkv and it has not worked. When I try to stream it to the ps3, it will either give me a Data is corrupt error or something about the file type not supported. Most often it is the data is corrupt error. From that tutorial I specifically followed hansa56 first post so I didn't have to reencode the video.

    When that didn't work, and I failed at that a few times, I decided to forgot about it and just reencode the video to xvid. I used mencoder to encode the mkv with this command.

    mencoder input.mkv -o /dev/null -ovc xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=3000:pass=1 -oac libfaac -ac 2 -ab 128k
    mencoder input.mkv -o output.avi -ovc xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=3000:pass=2 -oac libfaac -ac 2 -ab 128k
    After several hours of encoding, I got the resulting xvid avi which is playable on a PC, but then I try to stream it to the ps3, I get the Data Corrupt error. What am I doing wrong? I can play tons of other divx and xvid avi files with no problem. Is there something about the HD file? it is 1280x720 resolution.

    If anyone has got mkv to mp4 or any other format that is working on the ps3 please let me know how. I'm not opposed to using Windows utilities, but obviously I'd prefer to stick with the command line on my ubuntu server.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    on the bleeding edge

    Re: MKV to MP4 for playback on PS3

    hey, just wanted to say i'm in the same boat more or less. I've found a temporarly solution with PlaystationMediaServer:
    I found PMS to be much easier to start and work with than mediatomb. However, since they remux (?) on the fly you can't use the fastforward function. It can also get a bit flaky at times and 1080p movies can lag real bad (at least if you want subtitles).

    I don't think you need to re-encode the movies, just re-encapsulate them... once I find a solution I'll post it here...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    London, UK
    Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin

    Wink Re: MKV to MP4 for playback on PS3

    Hi guys,

    after some searching around I found out a script in a post of 2008 (now locked).
    That script needed some mkv... tools, MP4Box and neroAacEnc (closed source but free). It had a constraint to produce video files whose sizes (x and y) had to be divisible by 16; luckily the newer PS3 OS will support all the sizes.
    Then I didn't like to use closed source binary neroAacEnc, so I replaced the command line with the equivalent faac.
    Naturally the script won't touch the video stream (no re-encoding): will only convert the audio stream to AAC.

    To run the script you'll need the following:
    sudo apt-get install mkvtoolnix gpac faac ffmpeg
    Following is the script:
    #  File:
    #  Author(s):   Justin Randall (randall311 AT yahoo DOT com)
    #               Josh Carroll   (josh.carroll AT gmail DOT com)
    #  Version:     0.1
    #  Created:     29 April 2008
    #  Last Change: Wed May 14 10:00 PM 2008 EDT
    #  Description: This script takes an MKV file as input and produces
    #               a MP4 (h264/aac) which will play back on the
    #               Sony PlayStation 3 (tm)
    #  Usage: <maktrosa input file>
    #  History:     none
    #  Copyright (c) 2008 by Josh Carroll (josh.carroll AT gmail DOT com)
    #  under the name mkv4ps3.  This is a highly modified version used to
    #  produce an MP4 (h264/aac) from a mkv file in an automated fashion
    #  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    #  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    #  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    #  (at your option) any later version.
    #  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    #  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    #  GNU General Public License for more details.
    use warnings;
    use strict;
    use Getopt::Long;
    use POSIX qw(floor);
    use Cwd qw(realpath);
    use File::Basename;
    my $prog = $0;
    $prog =~ s/.*\///img;
    if ($#ARGV != 0) {
       print "Usage: $prog <maktrosa input file>\n";
       exit 0;
    # set the input based off the command arguments
    my $opt_in = $ARGV[0];
    my($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($opt_in, qr{\..*});
    if ($suffix eq '') {
       print "input file did not contain a suffix!\n";
       exit -1;
    # remove file extension from input file
    my $char = 0;
    my $basename = $opt_in;
    while ($char ne '.') {
       $char = chop $basename;
    # temoprary files and variables
    my $opt_tmp = $basename;
    $opt_tmp = "$opt_tmp";
    my $opt_out = "$basename.mp4";
    my $tmp_ac3 = "$name.ac3";
    my $tmp_dts = "$name.dts";
    my $tmp_h264 = "$name.h264";
    my $tmp_wav_fifo = "$name.wav";
    my $tmp_aac = "$name.aac";
    my $tmp_mp4 = "t.$name.mp4";
    # make sure we have all the tools
    # make sure the mkv file is correct format
    tprint("Checking input file format...\n");
    tprint("Extracting mkv file...\n");
    # get the fps of the video and the duration (in seconds) of the MKV, and
    #	extract the mkv (if only re-muxing to mp4 with aac)
    my ($vid_fps,$duration,$audio_file,$channels) = extract_mkv($opt_in, $tmp_h264, 0,0);
    # modify h264 header to change level_idc to 0x29
    tprint("Changing h.264 stream's level_idc header...\n");
    tprint("Converting audio to aac...\n");
    conv_to_aac($audio_file, $tmp_aac, $channels);
    tprint("Creating mp4 file ($opt_out)...\n");
    create_mp4($tmp_h264, $tmp_aac, $vid_fps, $tmp_mp4, $opt_out);
    # cleanup and finsh processing
    tprint("Cleaning up tmp files...\n");
    tprint("(files $tmp_ac3,$tmp_h264,$tmp_wav_fifo,$tmp_aac,$tmp_mp4) ... \n");
    # check the mkv file format
    sub check_resolution {
       my $mkv = shift;
       my $output = `mkvinfo "$mkv" 2>&1`;
       my $width = 0;
       if($output =~ /Pixel width:\s+(\d+)/i) {
          $width = $1;
          print "MSG - MkvInfo pixel width - $width \n";
       if($width == 0) {
          print "Could not determine video width. mkvinfo parsing failed. mkvinfo output:\n\n$output\n";
          exit 1;
       my $height = 0;
       if($output =~ /Pixel height:\s+(\d+)/i) {
          $height = $1;
          print "MSG - MkvInfo pixel height - $height \n";
       if($height == 0) {
          print "Could not determine video width. mkvinfo parsing failed. mkvinfo output:\n\n$output\n";
          exit 1;
       #if($height % 16) {
       #   print "Error, height must be a multiple of 16 for the PS3 to recognize the file.\n";
       #   print "Consider using ffmpeg/mencoder to crop this video first.\n";
       #   exit 1;
    # extract the video and audio raw tracks from the mkv continer
    sub extract_mkv {
       my ($in, $h264, $dont_extract, $channels) = @_;
       my $fps = -1;
       my $duration = -1;
       my $type = undef;
       my $audio_type = undef;
       my $video_type = undef;
       my ($audio_track_num, $h264_track_num) = (-1, -1);
       my ($found_video, $found_audio) = (0,0);
       my $cur_audio = 0;
       my $cur_video = 0;
       # find out which track is which
       my $curr_track_num = -1;
       my @output = `mkvinfo "$in" 2>&1`;
       foreach my $line (@output) {
          if($found_video && $channels && $found_audio && $fps != -1 && defined $audio_type) {
          if($line =~ /Default duration.*\((\d+\.\d+)\s*fps/i) {
             my $tmp = $1;
             if($type =~ /video/i) {
                $fps = $tmp;
          } elsif($line =~ /^\s*\|\s*\+\s*Duration:\s*(\d+\.\d+)\s*s\s+/i) {
             $duration = $1;
          } elsif($line =~ /Track number:\s+(\d+)/i) {
             $curr_track_num = $1;
          } elsif($line =~ /Track type:\s+(\S+)/i) {
             if($curr_track_num == -1) {
                # we haven't found the track # yet, but we found the type.
                # this shouldn't happen
                print "Error, mkvinfo failed.\n";
                exit 1;
             $type = $1;
             if($type =~ /audio/i) {
                if(! $found_audio) {
                   $audio_track_num = $curr_track_num;
                   $found_audio = 1;
                   $cur_video = 0;
                   $cur_audio = 1;
             } else {
                if(! $found_video) {
                   $h264_track_num = $curr_track_num;
                   $found_video = 1;
                   $cur_video = 1;
                   $cur_audio = 0;
          } elsif($found_audio && $cur_audio && $line =~ /Codec ID:\s+(\S+)/i) {
             $audio_type = $1;
             print "MSG - MkvInfo Audio - $audio_type Track: $audio_track_num\n";
          } elsif($found_video && $cur_video && $line =~ /Codec ID:\s+(\S+)/i) {
             $video_type = $1;
             print "MSG - MkvInfo Video - $video_type Track: $h264_track_num\n";
          if ($line =~ /Channels:\s+(\d+)/i) {
             $channels = $1;
             if ($channels == 6) {
                print "MSG - MkvInfo Audio Channels - (Dolby 5.1 / DTS)\n";
             } else {
                print "MSG - MkvInfo Audio Channels - (Stereo 2.1)\n";
       if($fps == -1 || $duration == -1 || $audio_track_num == -1 || $h264_track_num == -1) {
          print "mkvinfo parsing failed. mkvinfo output:\n\n" . join("\n", @output), "\n";
          exit 1;
       my $audio_file;
       if($audio_type eq "A_DTS") {
          $audio_file = $tmp_dts;
       } elsif($audio_type eq "A_AC3") {
          $audio_file = $tmp_ac3;
       } else {
          print "Error: invalid audio type in mkv: $audio_type\n";
          exit 1;
       print "mkvextract tracks \"$in\" $audio_track_num:$audio_file $h264_track_num:$tmp_h264\n";
       my $output = `mkvextract tracks "$in" $audio_track_num:$audio_file $h264_track_num:$tmp_h264 2>&1`;
       if($?) {
          print "Error, mkvextract failed! output:\n\n$output\n";
          exit 1;
       if($fps == -1) {
          print "Error, could not determine input MKV fps\n";
          exit 1;
       return ($fps, $duration, $audio_file, $channels);
    # change h264 header level_idc to 0x29
    sub change_h264_level {
       my $file = shift;
       open my $fh, "+< $file" or die "Cannot open temporary h264 file\n";
       sysseek($fh, 7, 0);
    # convert audio AC3 -> WAV -> AAC
    sub conv_to_aac {
       my ($in, $aac, $channels) = @_;
       my $fifo = $tmp_wav_fifo;
       if ($channels == 6) {
          print "mplayer $in -af channels=6:6:0:0:1:1:2:4:3:5:4:2:5:3 -ao pcm:fast:waveheader:file=$fifo -channels 6 -novideo\n";
          my $output = `mplayer $in -af channels=6:6:0:0:1:1:2:4:3:5:4:2:5:3 -ao pcm:fast:waveheader:file=$fifo -channels 6 -novideo 2>&1`;
          if($?) {
             tprint("mplayer/faac conversion to aac failed: $output\n");
             exit 1;
       } else {
          print "mplayer $in -ao pcm:fast:waveheader:file=$fifo -channels $channels -novideo\n";
          my $output = `mplayer $in -ao pcm:fast:waveheader:file=$fifo -channels $channels -novideo 2>&1`;
          if($?) {
             tprint("mplayer/faac conversion to aac failed: $output\n");
             exit 1;
       my $faac_cmd = "faac -q 100 -o \"$aac\" \"$fifo\"";
       print "$faac_cmd\n";
       # clean up the fifo and the ac3/dts file to save on disk space
    # remux the video and audio tracks in the mp4 format
    sub create_mp4 {
       my ($h264, $aac, $fps, $tmp_mp4, $outf) = @_;
       # size of h264 + aac
       my $total_size = 0;
       # split the file into 3.5 G chunks to avoid problems with
       # PS3 playback of 4G files, this is the size in KB
       my $split_size = 4000000;
       my $split = 0;
       # find out how big the existing file is. If it's less than
       # our split size, then don't bother splitting it
       my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
          $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($h264);
       $total_size += $size;
          $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($aac);
       $total_size += $size;
       # normalize to KB for comparison
       $total_size /= 1024;
       if($total_size > $split_size) {
          $split = 1;
       my $split_str = "";
       if($split) {
          $split_str = "-splits $split_size";
       } else {
          $split_str = "";
       my $cmd = "MP4Box $split_str -add $h264 -add $aac -fps $fps -par 1=1:1 -lang eng \"$outf\"";
       print "$cmd\n";
       #my $output = `$cmd`;
       my $output = system($cmd);
       if($?) {
          print "MP4Box creation of mp4 failed! output:\n\n$output\n";
          exit 1;
    # make sure we have all the tools for the job
    sub check_required_tools {
       my $errors = 0;
       my @required = qw(mkvinfo mkvextract ffmpeg mplayer MP4Box faac);
       foreach my $req_prog (@required) {
          my $found = 0;
          foreach my $path_ent (split(/:/, $ENV{PATH})) {
             if(-r "$path_ent/$req_prog") {
                $found = 1;
          if(! $found) {
             print "Error, required program: $req_prog not found. Please install it.\n";
       if($errors > 0) {
          exit 1;
    # print status messages during remux process
    sub tprint {
       my $msg = shift;
       print $msg;
    The script had a glitch with tmp files (was naming the tmpfile as the final output hence deleting it...), now should be ok.
    I tested a small segment of a 1280x534 mkv ==> mp4 and that works great on the PS3.
    My only concern is that I haven't used the script yet to demux->mux a bigger mkv (maybe faac could introduce audio lag? In that case we could be forced to use neroAaacEnc ...) .
    Give it a try and let me know. Hope is ok!

    Last edited by Emanuele_Z; December 6th, 2009 at 11:48 AM. Reason: more details

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: MKV to MP4 for playback on PS3

    Quote Originally Posted by Emanuele_Z View Post
    Hi guys,
    The script had a glitch with tmp files (was naming the tmpfile as the final output hence deleting it...), now should be ok.
    I tested a small segment of a 1280x534 mkv ==> mp4 and that works great on the PS3.
    My only concern is that I haven't used the script yet to demux->mux a bigger mkv (maybe faac could introduce audio lag? In that case we could be forced to use neroAaacEnc ...) .
    Give it a try and let me know. Hope is ok!

    Gave it a try, output follows:

    Checking input file format...
    MSG - MkvInfo pixel width - 1280
    MSG - MkvInfo pixel height - 720
    Extracting mkv file...
    MSG - MkvInfo Video - V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC Track: 1
    MSG - MkvInfo Audio - A_AAC Track: 2
    MSG - MkvInfo Audio Channels - (Stereo 2.1)
    Error: invalid audio type in mkv: A_AAC

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: MKV to MP4 for playback on PS3

    Quote Originally Posted by Emanuele_Z View Post
    Hi guys,

    after some searching around I found out a script in a post of 2008 (now locked).
    That script needed some mkv... tools, MP4Box and neroAacEnc (closed source but free). It had a constraint to produce video files whose sizes (x and y) had to be divisible by 16; luckily the newer PS3 OS will support all the sizes.
    Then I didn't like to use closed source binary neroAacEnc, so I replaced the command line with the equivalent faac.
    Naturally the script won't touch the video stream (no re-encoding): will only convert the audio stream to AAC.

    To run the script you'll need the following:
    sudo apt-get install mkvtoolnix gpac faac ffmpeg
    Following is the script:
    #  File:
    #  Author(s):   Justin Randall (randall311 AT yahoo DOT com)
    #               Josh Carroll   (josh.carroll AT gmail DOT com)
    #  Version:     0.1
    #  Created:     29 April 2008
    #  Last Change: Wed May 14 10:00 PM 2008 EDT
    #  Description: This script takes an MKV file as input and produces
    #               a MP4 (h264/aac) which will play back on the
    #               Sony PlayStation 3 (tm)
    #  Usage: <maktrosa input file>
    #  History:     none
    #  Copyright (c) 2008 by Josh Carroll (josh.carroll AT gmail DOT com)
    #  under the name mkv4ps3.  This is a highly modified version used to
    #  produce an MP4 (h264/aac) from a mkv file in an automated fashion
    #  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    #  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    #  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    #  (at your option) any later version.
    #  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    #  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    #  GNU General Public License for more details.
    use warnings;
    use strict;
    use Getopt::Long;
    use POSIX qw(floor);
    use Cwd qw(realpath);
    use File::Basename;
    my $prog = $0;
    $prog =~ s/.*\///img;
    if ($#ARGV != 0) {
       print "Usage: $prog <maktrosa input file>\n";
       exit 0;
    # set the input based off the command arguments
    my $opt_in = $ARGV[0];
    my($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($opt_in, qr{\..*});
    if ($suffix eq '') {
       print "input file did not contain a suffix!\n";
       exit -1;
    # remove file extension from input file
    my $char = 0;
    my $basename = $opt_in;
    while ($char ne '.') {
       $char = chop $basename;
    # temoprary files and variables
    my $opt_tmp = $basename;
    $opt_tmp = "$opt_tmp";
    my $opt_out = "$basename.mp4";
    my $tmp_ac3 = "$name.ac3";
    my $tmp_dts = "$name.dts";
    my $tmp_h264 = "$name.h264";
    my $tmp_wav_fifo = "$name.wav";
    my $tmp_aac = "$name.aac";
    my $tmp_mp4 = "t.$name.mp4";
    # make sure we have all the tools
    # make sure the mkv file is correct format
    tprint("Checking input file format...\n");
    tprint("Extracting mkv file...\n");
    # get the fps of the video and the duration (in seconds) of the MKV, and
    #	extract the mkv (if only re-muxing to mp4 with aac)
    my ($vid_fps,$duration,$audio_file,$channels) = extract_mkv($opt_in, $tmp_h264, 0,0);
    # modify h264 header to change level_idc to 0x29
    tprint("Changing h.264 stream's level_idc header...\n");
    tprint("Converting audio to aac...\n");
    conv_to_aac($audio_file, $tmp_aac, $channels);
    tprint("Creating mp4 file ($opt_out)...\n");
    create_mp4($tmp_h264, $tmp_aac, $vid_fps, $tmp_mp4, $opt_out);
    # cleanup and finsh processing
    tprint("Cleaning up tmp files...\n");
    tprint("(files $tmp_ac3,$tmp_h264,$tmp_wav_fifo,$tmp_aac,$tmp_mp4) ... \n");
    # check the mkv file format
    sub check_resolution {
       my $mkv = shift;
       my $output = `mkvinfo "$mkv" 2>&1`;
       my $width = 0;
       if($output =~ /Pixel width:\s+(\d+)/i) {
          $width = $1;
          print "MSG - MkvInfo pixel width - $width \n";
       if($width == 0) {
          print "Could not determine video width. mkvinfo parsing failed. mkvinfo output:\n\n$output\n";
          exit 1;
       my $height = 0;
       if($output =~ /Pixel height:\s+(\d+)/i) {
          $height = $1;
          print "MSG - MkvInfo pixel height - $height \n";
       if($height == 0) {
          print "Could not determine video width. mkvinfo parsing failed. mkvinfo output:\n\n$output\n";
          exit 1;
       #if($height % 16) {
       #   print "Error, height must be a multiple of 16 for the PS3 to recognize the file.\n";
       #   print "Consider using ffmpeg/mencoder to crop this video first.\n";
       #   exit 1;
    # extract the video and audio raw tracks from the mkv continer
    sub extract_mkv {
       my ($in, $h264, $dont_extract, $channels) = @_;
       my $fps = -1;
       my $duration = -1;
       my $type = undef;
       my $audio_type = undef;
       my $video_type = undef;
       my ($audio_track_num, $h264_track_num) = (-1, -1);
       my ($found_video, $found_audio) = (0,0);
       my $cur_audio = 0;
       my $cur_video = 0;
       # find out which track is which
       my $curr_track_num = -1;
       my @output = `mkvinfo "$in" 2>&1`;
       foreach my $line (@output) {
          if($found_video && $channels && $found_audio && $fps != -1 && defined $audio_type) {
          if($line =~ /Default duration.*\((\d+\.\d+)\s*fps/i) {
             my $tmp = $1;
             if($type =~ /video/i) {
                $fps = $tmp;
          } elsif($line =~ /^\s*\|\s*\+\s*Duration:\s*(\d+\.\d+)\s*s\s+/i) {
             $duration = $1;
          } elsif($line =~ /Track number:\s+(\d+)/i) {
             $curr_track_num = $1;
          } elsif($line =~ /Track type:\s+(\S+)/i) {
             if($curr_track_num == -1) {
                # we haven't found the track # yet, but we found the type.
                # this shouldn't happen
                print "Error, mkvinfo failed.\n";
                exit 1;
             $type = $1;
             if($type =~ /audio/i) {
                if(! $found_audio) {
                   $audio_track_num = $curr_track_num;
                   $found_audio = 1;
                   $cur_video = 0;
                   $cur_audio = 1;
             } else {
                if(! $found_video) {
                   $h264_track_num = $curr_track_num;
                   $found_video = 1;
                   $cur_video = 1;
                   $cur_audio = 0;
          } elsif($found_audio && $cur_audio && $line =~ /Codec ID:\s+(\S+)/i) {
             $audio_type = $1;
             print "MSG - MkvInfo Audio - $audio_type Track: $audio_track_num\n";
          } elsif($found_video && $cur_video && $line =~ /Codec ID:\s+(\S+)/i) {
             $video_type = $1;
             print "MSG - MkvInfo Video - $video_type Track: $h264_track_num\n";
          if ($line =~ /Channels:\s+(\d+)/i) {
             $channels = $1;
             if ($channels == 6) {
                print "MSG - MkvInfo Audio Channels - (Dolby 5.1 / DTS)\n";
             } else {
                print "MSG - MkvInfo Audio Channels - (Stereo 2.1)\n";
       if($fps == -1 || $duration == -1 || $audio_track_num == -1 || $h264_track_num == -1) {
          print "mkvinfo parsing failed. mkvinfo output:\n\n" . join("\n", @output), "\n";
          exit 1;
       my $audio_file;
       if($audio_type eq "A_DTS") {
          $audio_file = $tmp_dts;
       } elsif($audio_type eq "A_AC3") {
          $audio_file = $tmp_ac3;
       } else {
          print "Error: invalid audio type in mkv: $audio_type\n";
          exit 1;
       print "mkvextract tracks \"$in\" $audio_track_num:$audio_file $h264_track_num:$tmp_h264\n";
       my $output = `mkvextract tracks "$in" $audio_track_num:$audio_file $h264_track_num:$tmp_h264 2>&1`;
       if($?) {
          print "Error, mkvextract failed! output:\n\n$output\n";
          exit 1;
       if($fps == -1) {
          print "Error, could not determine input MKV fps\n";
          exit 1;
       return ($fps, $duration, $audio_file, $channels);
    # change h264 header level_idc to 0x29
    sub change_h264_level {
       my $file = shift;
       open my $fh, "+< $file" or die "Cannot open temporary h264 file\n";
       sysseek($fh, 7, 0);
    # convert audio AC3 -> WAV -> AAC
    sub conv_to_aac {
       my ($in, $aac, $channels) = @_;
       my $fifo = $tmp_wav_fifo;
       if ($channels == 6) {
          print "mplayer $in -af channels=6:6:0:0:1:1:2:4:3:5:4:2:5:3 -ao pcm:fast:waveheader:file=$fifo -channels 6 -novideo\n";
          my $output = `mplayer $in -af channels=6:6:0:0:1:1:2:4:3:5:4:2:5:3 -ao pcm:fast:waveheader:file=$fifo -channels 6 -novideo 2>&1`;
          if($?) {
             tprint("mplayer/faac conversion to aac failed: $output\n");
             exit 1;
       } else {
          print "mplayer $in -ao pcm:fast:waveheader:file=$fifo -channels $channels -novideo\n";
          my $output = `mplayer $in -ao pcm:fast:waveheader:file=$fifo -channels $channels -novideo 2>&1`;
          if($?) {
             tprint("mplayer/faac conversion to aac failed: $output\n");
             exit 1;
       my $faac_cmd = "faac -q 100 -o \"$aac\" \"$fifo\"";
       print "$faac_cmd\n";
       # clean up the fifo and the ac3/dts file to save on disk space
    # remux the video and audio tracks in the mp4 format
    sub create_mp4 {
       my ($h264, $aac, $fps, $tmp_mp4, $outf) = @_;
       # size of h264 + aac
       my $total_size = 0;
       # split the file into 3.5 G chunks to avoid problems with
       # PS3 playback of 4G files, this is the size in KB
       my $split_size = 4000000;
       my $split = 0;
       # find out how big the existing file is. If it's less than
       # our split size, then don't bother splitting it
       my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
          $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($h264);
       $total_size += $size;
          $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($aac);
       $total_size += $size;
       # normalize to KB for comparison
       $total_size /= 1024;
       if($total_size > $split_size) {
          $split = 1;
       my $split_str = "";
       if($split) {
          $split_str = "-splits $split_size";
       } else {
          $split_str = "";
       my $cmd = "MP4Box $split_str -add $h264 -add $aac -fps $fps -par 1=1:1 -lang eng \"$outf\"";
       print "$cmd\n";
       #my $output = `$cmd`;
       my $output = system($cmd);
       if($?) {
          print "MP4Box creation of mp4 failed! output:\n\n$output\n";
          exit 1;
    # make sure we have all the tools for the job
    sub check_required_tools {
       my $errors = 0;
       my @required = qw(mkvinfo mkvextract ffmpeg mplayer MP4Box faac);
       foreach my $req_prog (@required) {
          my $found = 0;
          foreach my $path_ent (split(/:/, $ENV{PATH})) {
             if(-r "$path_ent/$req_prog") {
                $found = 1;
          if(! $found) {
             print "Error, required program: $req_prog not found. Please install it.\n";
       if($errors > 0) {
          exit 1;
    # print status messages during remux process
    sub tprint {
       my $msg = shift;
       print $msg;
    The script had a glitch with tmp files (was naming the tmpfile as the final output hence deleting it...), now should be ok.
    I tested a small segment of a 1280x534 mkv ==> mp4 and that works great on the PS3.
    My only concern is that I haven't used the script yet to demux->mux a bigger mkv (maybe faac could introduce audio lag? In that case we could be forced to use neroAaacEnc ...) .
    Give it a try and let me know. Hope is ok!

    Is this script still valid for mkv to PS3 playback? Anyone tried larger MKV files... is audio OK? Is there an updated version that uses the Nero?

    I like the fact that someone has made a script to do this. Doing it manually is way to tedious.... If anyone knows of a better script to do this via the terminal, let us know... thanks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: MKV to MP4 for playback on PS3

    I'm trying it on a 4G mkv. I get an unstable with the audio.. but it's still encoding... we'll see... May need to use Nero for audio.

    Checking input file format...
    MSG - MkvInfo pixel width - 1920 
    MSG - MkvInfo pixel height - 1072 
    Extracting mkv file...
    MSG - MkvInfo Video - V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC Track: 1
    MSG - MkvInfo Audio - A_AC3 Track: 2
    MSG - MkvInfo Audio Channels - (Dolby 5.1 / DTS)
    mkvextract tracks "/media/Movies/MOVIE.mkv" 2:MOVIE.ac3 1:MOVIE.h264
    Changing h.264 stream's level_idc header...
    Converting audio to aac...
    mplayer MOVIE.ac3 -af channels=6:6:0:0:1:1:2:4:3:5:4:2:5:3 -ao pcm:fast:waveheader:file=MOVIE.wav -channels 6 -novideo
    faac -q 100 -o "MOVIE.aac" "MOVIE.wav"
    Freeware Advanced Audio Coder
    FAAC 1.26.1 (Aug 16 2008) UNSTABLE
    Remapping input channels: Center=3, LFE=4
    Quantization quality: 100
    Bandwidth: 16000 Hz
    Object type: Low Complexity(MPEG-2) + M/S
    Container format: Transport Stream (ADTS)
    Encoding MOVIE.wav to MOVIE.aac
       frame          | bitrate | elapsed/estim | play/CPU | ETA
    15650/57911 ( 27%)|   14.6  |   96.1/355.7  |    3.47x | 259.6

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: MKV to MP4 for playback on PS3

    LOL... the unstable is referring to the software version... I didn't think it though....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: MKV to MP4 for playback on PS3

    Has anyone tried Arista Transcoder, in the software repository? I am transcoding a tv episode in 720p to .mp4. I will post to let you know how it turns out.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: MKV to MP4 for playback on PS3

    I keep running into this problem :

    Checking input file format...
    MSG - MkvInfo pixel width - 1280
    MSG - MkvInfo pixel height - 720
    Extracting mkv file...
    MSG - MkvInfo Audio - A_AC3 Track: 1
    MSG - MkvInfo Audio Channels - (Dolby 5.1 / DTS)
    MSG - MkvInfo Video - V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC Track: 2
    mkvextract tracks "video.mkv" 1:the.ac3 2:the.h264
    Changing h.264 stream's level_idc header...
    Converting audio to aac...
    mplayer the.ac3 -af channels=6:6:0:0:1:1:2:4:3:5:4:2:5:3 -ao pcm:fast:waveheader:file=the.wav -channels 6 -novideo
    faac -q 100 -o "the.aac" "the.wav"
    Freeware Advanced Audio Coder
    FAAC 1.26.1 (Aug 16 2008) UNSTABLE

    the.wav: No such file or directory
    Couldn't open input file the.wav
    Creating mp4 file (video.mp4)...
    Use of uninitialized value $size in addition (+) at ./ line 320.
    MP4Box -add the.h264 -add the.aac -fps 23.976 -par 1=1:1 -lang eng "video.mp4"
    AVC-H264 import - frame size 1280 x 720 at 23.976 FPS
    Import results: 31035 samples - Slices: 311 I 11459 P 19265 B - 1 SEI - 305 IDR
    Stream uses B-slice references - max frame delay 2
    Opening file the.aac failed
    Error importing the.aac: Requested URL is not valid or cannot be found
    MP4Box creation of mp4 failed! output:


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala

    Re: MKV to MP4 for playback on PS3

    Quote Originally Posted by thebrandon View Post
    I keep running into this problem :

    Checking input file format...
    MSG - MkvInfo pixel width - 1280
    MSG - MkvInfo pixel height - 720
    Extracting mkv file...
    MSG - MkvInfo Audio - A_AC3 Track: 1
    MSG - MkvInfo Audio Channels - (Dolby 5.1 / DTS)
    MSG - MkvInfo Video - V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC Track: 2
    mkvextract tracks "video.mkv" 1:the.ac3 2:the.h264
    Changing h.264 stream's level_idc header...
    Converting audio to aac...
    mplayer the.ac3 -af channels=6:6:0:0:1:1:2:4:3:5:4:2:5:3 -ao pcm:fast:waveheader:file=the.wav -channels 6 -novideo
    faac -q 100 -o "the.aac" "the.wav"
    Freeware Advanced Audio Coder
    FAAC 1.26.1 (Aug 16 2008) UNSTABLE

    the.wav: No such file or directory
    Couldn't open input file the.wav
    Creating mp4 file (video.mp4)...
    Use of uninitialized value $size in addition (+) at ./ line 320.
    MP4Box -add the.h264 -add the.aac -fps 23.976 -par 1=1:1 -lang eng "video.mp4"
    AVC-H264 import - frame size 1280 x 720 at 23.976 FPS
    Import results: 31035 samples - Slices: 311 I 11459 P 19265 B - 1 SEI - 305 IDR
    Stream uses B-slice references - max frame delay 2
    Opening file the.aac failed
    Error importing the.aac: Requested URL is not valid or cannot be found
    MP4Box creation of mp4 failed! output:


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