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Thread: Scratchy Audio Output from Ardour (iMac, 11.04 AMD64)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Scratchy Audio Output from Ardour (iMac, 11.04 AMD64)

    I have been trying to set up Ardour on my computer, but whenever I try to play anything back, I get a horribly static scratchyness, with a little bit of the proper audio coming through.

    This happens if I record a new audio file, or import an existing one. The audio files play back fine in other applications, including Audacity.

    I can;t seem to find anyone else with the problem (unfortunately) and I do not have the knowledge to figure out if it is a problem with JACK or Ardour, as I am just getting started with audio recording with Linux (I am a recent Mac/Logic user)

    I am using Ubuntu 11.04 (64 bit) on a December 2010 iMac

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Scratchy Audio Output from Ardour (iMac, 11.04 AMD64)

    Did you ever figure this out? I have the same problem on a MacBook Pro 8,1 Running UbuntuStudio 11.04 or AVLinux 5.

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