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Thread: Ubuntu Community Week

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

    Ubuntu Community Week

    Find the link to Ubuntu Community Week and see if the seminars will be helpful. They are at the head of the Forums but here is the link again. It looks like a good community organization and involvement training series from July 18 - July 22 starting at 16:00 UTC and we are -5 hours which means it will run from 11:00am - 3:00pm. I think that is correct and somebody holler if not and plan on a group message announcing a meeting this Wednesday the 13th at 7 pm on Freenode.
    I will be attending this organizational skills training series if at all possible so perhaps we can liven thing s up around here and maybe stir up some interest in this MoLoCo.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Ubuntu Community Week

    Were you able to attend any of the sessions WindWalker? I unfortunately was not... hopefully next time. hmm, guess I could track down the logs... I'll have a look see...


    Okay, here are a few links to the irc logs. I will update with more as I read more of them.

    == July 18, 2011 - #ubuntu-classroom IRC Log ==

    Topics Include:
    1. Introduction To Ubuntu Community Week - Randall Ross
    2. Find Your Local Community - Alan Bell
    3. Organic Software - Marketing Ubuntu At Your Local Farmer's Market - Charlene Tessier
    4. From Graphic to Printed Poster - Marten Owens

    == July 19, 2011 - #ubuntu-classroom IRC log ==

    Topics Include:
    1. How I Started An Ubuntu Group In My City And How You Could Too - Omar Almahmoud
    2. Starting An Ubuntu Hour Near You - Nathan Haines
    3. Baking a LoCo Team - Jono Bacon
    4. We Party Grande! You Can Too - Christophe Sauthier

    == July 20, 2011 - #ubuntu-classroom IRC log ==

    Topics Include:
    1. Podcast Your Way To A Bigger Community - Alan Pope
    2. Haters Gonna Hate: Grow Your Community With Less Negativity - Joe Liau
    3. How To Train Ninjas (session in Spanish) - Leandro Gomez
    4. Working With Other Groups In Your Community - Elizabeth Krumbach

    == July 21, 2011 - #ubuntu-classroom IRC log ==

    Topics Include:
    1. How To Raise Your Teams Activity Level. Energize! - Paul Tagliamonte
    2. An Overview of LoCo Guidance - Laura Czajkowski
    3. Community Manager Q+A - Jono Bacon
    4. Don't Kill Your Audience! Enlighten Your Presentation Style! - Paolo Sammicheli

    == July 22, 2011 - #ubuntu-classroom IRC log ==

    Topics Include:
    1. Preparing For Approval And Re-Approval. Do's And Don'ts - Laura Czajkowski
    2. Simple Ways To Help Build A Stronger Local Community Team - Chris Crisafulli
    3. Some Spare Time For You To Learn About Ubuntu Community - You
    4. Spare Time For You To Read "The Art of Community" - You

    Additional Links For Reference:

    == Ubuntu Commnity Week Schedule ==

    == July 2011 Ubuntu IRC Logs ==

    Last edited by Matt3223; August 11th, 2011 at 01:52 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

    Re: Ubuntu Community Week

    I missed all week due to schedules and so forth. They seem to be pretty good. I did attend one on approval and re-approval which was really good and does help in the process.


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