He's no longer an animal, but he's now a parasite plant that takes over your whole garden.
I wish for popcorn.
Congratulations. Your pushbike is a new form of sentient life and within a week it had conquered the world, keeping you in its personal torture chambers for not being bothered to pedal.
I wish for a wish that results in a recursive wish loop akin to a fork bomb, resulting in a stack overflow across the wish network, allowing me to bypass corruption by allocating universal wish address space to my own whimsy.
Because your wish is recursive and starts with universal space it implodes and continues in an ever-decreasing spiral finally disappearing in a bottom quark.
I wish micro rocks and sandpaper were not so abrasive.
Intelligence - that which leads to harmony
To grant your wish we had to disable nine tenths of all industry while they figure out how to sharpen their crap now that anything even remotely carborundum-like is useless to them. If you spot an angry mob headed your way perhaps you'd best run like hell!
I wish to remain; Like the 4 year old boy in an old Russian children's song, chorus:
May there always be sunshine,
May there always be blue skies,
May there always be my mama,
May there always be me!
Last edited by robsoles; June 7th, 2011 at 01:28 PM. Reason: Apparently, it's what I'm doing these days.
Your wish is granted - you remain a four year old boy with the appetites and proclivities of a 4yob.
I wish we were as simple as stone age man who managed micron sharpness with chipped stone.
Intelligence - that which leads to harmony
Due to not specifying who "we" includes, you and everybody in your immediate vicinity become simple stone-age men (including any women that may have been in your vincinity, they also become men). Since you you did not wish for any stone-age women you will be unable to reproduce because modern women will find you crude, vulgar, and unrefined. Meanwhile, the rest of the world moves on happily being far more complicated than you.
I wish that everything related to NASA was within 10-20 miles of my home so I could visit their facilities more often and watch space launches in person.
Just informed that NASA will be transferred to Mars/
I wish unity was more stable