Granted - each wish takes one minute to specify and be recorded and if you don't do it all toady you get zilch. 'Bout 8 hours left in your day?
I wish my spelling was less Freudian.
Granted - each wish takes one minute to specify and be recorded and if you don't do it all toady you get zilch. 'Bout 8 hours left in your day?
I wish my spelling was less Freudian.
Intelligence - that which leads to harmony
OK,your spelling is less Freudian but more incorrect.
I wish for Tux.
You get Tux, and he runs chown Tux PCaddicted on you.
I wish I knew all the emacs commands.
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
Freedom is measured in Stallmans.
Projects: gEcrit
You do.But you accidentally run them in the terminal on your Linux system and this results in a BSOD(Black Screen Of Death).
I wish everybody used bicycles instead of cars and motorbikes.
They do - the world grinds to a halt as the agricultural and food producing population are unable to get their goods to market leaving the pedal cyclists to starve.
I wish people would recognise that the world is bigger than their small parish (even if that parish is a continent).
Intelligence - that which leads to harmony
They do,but they overestimate the size of the Earth.
I wish cpmman was a computer virus.
Last edited by PCaddicted; June 4th, 2011 at 11:23 PM.
You are and you waste your whole life playing it.
I wish to be better at PE (hate it)
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
Freedom is measured in Stallmans.
Projects: gEcrit
Since you never specified which PE you were referring to you become world champion at parasite eve. However no-one plays that anymore.
I wish I had a dollar.
clear && echo paste url and press enter; read paste; (youtube-dl $paste) | zenity --progress --title="☠" --text "Downloading, please wait" --auto-close --pulsate && ans=$(zenity --file-selection); gnome-terminal -x mplayer "$ans"