Hello! I will be attending Oklahoma University this Fall and would love to start an Ubuntu/Linux club so please if anyone is intersted feel free to message me or email me at cbennett926@yahoo.com Thanks!
I might be interested. I don't know how many people are Linux enthusiast, but it would be interesting to see the numbers. I know I had two professors last semester that were.
Awesome, let's get this thing rolling!
I would think some flyers hung up in the student housing, or better yet the building where computer science is taught would attract at minimum a few people. Anything I can do from Tulsa to help let me know.
Well, I guess just stay connected haha, it just saddens me how much we could communicate and everything with the internet and forums and what not. I just feel like we can do some real good by utilizing all these tools.
Well, how did it go?
Uhhh it didn't
System Specs: Processor:Intel® Core™ i7-2640M CPU @ 2.80GHz × 4 Graphics:nVidia Quadro 2000m RAM: 8 GB Ubuntu User: 34379
Yeah... I figured that, just wanted to see if any Okies were still active on the forums
I am!
What is there for linux groups here in OKC? Or just Oklahoma in general?
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