Improper removal of perfectly legit thread
Yesterday I posted a thread in the desktop environment portion of this forum to let others know about my own personal experiences while beta testing and finally using the actual release of Ubuntu 11.04 during the past few weeks. It was not a rant, nor a rave.
This thread turned into a very civilized discussion, spanning several pages. Some of the members who responded have been on this forum for years, with thousands of their own threads. In comparison to literally hundreds of other threads on this forum, my thread was very clean & professional. Granted there was mention of Linux distributions such as Mepis, Fedora, Mint, and Suse, but nothing was said which could be construed as even remotely insulting to the credo of Ubuntu.
Then, this morning, my thread was gone, nowhere to be found.
I received no notice and no warning, someone had simply used their power in an abusive manner by removing a perfectly proper thread. This is very frustrating because A. my own text is mine and considered as intellectual copyright property ... B. removing threads seemingly randomly has nothing in common with the meaning of Ubuntu ... C. it's the kind of censorship one would expect to see in forums from China or Russia perhaps .... and finally D. the removal of my thread doesn't do anything at all to enhance this forum or make it look good to others. Actually quite the opposite since it as viewed apx. 150 times in less than 24 hours.
Are there no safeguards in place, to prevent such malicious behavior by your own moderators? I would like to have a link to my thread, at least temporarily, in order for me to retrieve my own text. Thank you.
PLEASE ... don't waste anyone's time (your own included) with foolish or utterly useless comments!