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Thread: Improper removal of perfectly legit thread

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010
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    Xubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin

    Red face Improper removal of perfectly legit thread

    Yesterday I posted a thread in the desktop environment portion of this forum to let others know about my own personal experiences while beta testing and finally using the actual release of Ubuntu 11.04 during the past few weeks. It was not a rant, nor a rave.

    This thread turned into a very civilized discussion, spanning several pages. Some of the members who responded have been on this forum for years, with thousands of their own threads. In comparison to literally hundreds of other threads on this forum, my thread was very clean & professional. Granted there was mention of Linux distributions such as Mepis, Fedora, Mint, and Suse, but nothing was said which could be construed as even remotely insulting to the credo of Ubuntu.

    Then, this morning, my thread was gone, nowhere to be found.
    I received no notice and no warning, someone had simply used their power in an abusive manner by removing a perfectly proper thread. This is very frustrating because A. my own text is mine and considered as intellectual copyright property ... B. removing threads seemingly randomly has nothing in common with the meaning of Ubuntu ... C. it's the kind of censorship one would expect to see in forums from China or Russia perhaps .... and finally D. the removal of my thread doesn't do anything at all to enhance this forum or make it look good to others. Actually quite the opposite since it as viewed apx. 150 times in less than 24 hours.

    Are there no safeguards in place, to prevent such malicious behavior by your own moderators? I would like to have a link to my thread, at least temporarily, in order for me to retrieve my own text. Thank you.
    PLEASE ... don't waste anyone's time (your own included) with foolish or utterly useless comments!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Kubuntu Development Release

    Re: Improper removal of perfectly legit thread

    Whoa, calm down, no need to come in here with guns flaring.

    These are in fact moderated forums and you agreed to such moderation when you registered your account.

    No, you do not "own" your posts or the text you post on these forums.

    My guess would be that your posts were consolidated into a megathread on Unity.

    You can search for your own posts form your User CP or using the search function.

    No we do not require staff to notify you of each and every action, the staff are volunteers and I can not imagine the work load of PM every member with every action, sorry, but that is an unrealistic expectation / demand on the staff considering the sheer size of our forums. You will have to learn to use the search function to find your posts, sorry about that.
    There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth...not going all the way, and not starting.
    --Prince Gautama Siddharta

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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Xubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin

    Re: Improper removal of perfectly legit thread

    The user CP (my statistics/threads) was the first place that I checked for my missing post. Haven't tried the search function yet.

    I think you're missing the main point though which I thought was somewhat obvious "between the lines" for lack of better words. According to the forum rules which everyone, including moderators, are supposed to be bound to, it is highly unprofessional or whatever else you want to call it when a moderator removes a post for no other reason than ... he or she didn't like it or agree with it. There should be repercussions for such actions and it shouldn't be too difficult to find out who removed, deleted, or moved a post. The rules are supposed to be everyone and there should be repercussions for incorrect behaviour if such behaviour was intentional. I'd go as far as to say that removal or deletion of a post couldn't possibly be more intentional, right?
    What about the code of conduct for moderators?

    Of course I'm upset. This kind of behaviour should not be condoned. If my thread was moved to the Unity Mega-Thread ??? is not known to me at this time, but if so, then it has no business there. The thread wasn't strictly about just Unity, but about Unity, Ubuntu, Gnome, other Distros, etc. It was, like I said, a very professional thread spanning several pages with plenty of comments.

    As far as the "policing issue" goes. Please, give me a break on that one. I own several websites, two of them with forums, and it's quite simple indeed to get more volunteers to participate in moderation/policing actions. Matter of fact, I'd bet that if you started a thread asking for more volunteers ... you'd probably get hundreds of responses and I'm sure some qualified people would be among them. Do you really expect me to believe that the same moderator who takes the time to read & remove a post can't spare a few seconds to send an internal message ... "Hey, your post was moved/deleted for whatever reason. You can find it here" ...

    As far as intellectual copyrights are concerned ... that happens to be Federal Law. You can make all of the rules that you want, just like any other business, club, forum, and so on ... but ultimately, if anyone ever pursued a legal cause of action, the law behind the intellectual copyright law would prevail. That's why you sometimes see sellers on eBay too, with copyright disclaimers about their personal descriptive texts ... to ensure that their personal written words aren't used or abused by someone else. My words are mine, period, and I'm sharing them on this forum. That does not however make my words and thoughts the forum's property. Check into it if you don't believe me, but that's really the way that it is.

    You know, you talk about "responding with guns blazing" but then take a look at your own response. I don't see any sympathy, understanding, actual solution to my request. What I see is an instant reaction by someone who's not even willing to concede that there are perhaps some bad apples in this forum which could/should be weeded out and that perhaps there's a possibility of a wrong having been done to someone.
    PLEASE ... don't waste anyone's time (your own included) with foolish or utterly useless comments!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Kubuntu Development Release

    Re: Improper removal of perfectly legit thread

    Well I suppose we shall have to agree to disagree.

    I can see you are upset, but I do not see a change in how we moderate these forums any time soon. Unless you have a better suggestion, if you find our policies disagreeable I would be happy to disable your account.

    I suggest you take a break, calm down a bit, and not make a rash decision.
    There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth...not going all the way, and not starting.
    --Prince Gautama Siddharta

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Manchester, UK

    Re: Improper removal of perfectly legit thread

    To be quite frank, you are approaching this the entirely wrong way. Beginning your thread here by making accusations about staff and the way this forum is run is not the way to get the desired result for anybody.

    As bodhi.zazen said, if you use the search functionality, I am sure you will find your thread, whether it has moved into the unity mega thread or not I do not know, but based on what you describe of the thread content, I agree with it being moved into such a thread.

    As far as the following quote is concerned...
    Quote Originally Posted by WinRiddance View Post
    As far as intellectual copyrights are concerned ... that happens to be Federal Law. You can make all of the rules that you want, just like any other business, club, forum, and so on ... but ultimately, if anyone ever pursued a legal cause of action, the law behind the intellectual copyright law would prevail. That's why you sometimes see sellers on eBay too, with copyright disclaimers about their personal descriptive texts ... to ensure that their personal written words aren't used or abused by someone else. My words are mine, period, and I'm sharing them on this forum. That does not however make my words and thoughts the forum's property. Check into it if you don't believe me, but that's really the way that it is.
    I invite you to read the forum Code of Conduct, where you will find that it states
    All public forum data is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License and should be attributed to The Ubuntu Forums (
    By this very definition, and the fact that your posts are indeed in a public forum, they would fall under said license.

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