Greetings: Our home school's at the end of our rope dealing with the "Bad Password" issue for our Ubuntu 10.0.4 donated 700mHz iMacs to achieve a secure Airport wifi link with our DSL-server eMac. We did both the install/dump network-manager/Wicd things without result. The vexing part is we can get an UNSECURED Airport wifi link in a snap -- but as you know that's not very safe in dense metropolitan environments! Lately we managed to get past the "bad password" stop by using a 128-bit 13-character WEP HEX key by using a Google Hex Key generator, and prefixing that key with an "$" when dealing with our eMac's Airport panel as the instructions said, but now we're getting "can't connect access point association."! We can't find anything about that in Mac help docs or Gnome docs. If anyone has successfully made a secure wifi link with a similar system, can you please lend us your Wicd/network-manger and Mac Airport configs so we can duplicate your luck? Our only alternatives is using a user recommendation to use Remmina Remote Desktop's "SSH tunnel" mode on our unsecured link for browsing and mail and exchanging files with our eMac, but it's a half-way remedy since it leaves the actual Iceweasel and Evolution mail programs on our Ubuntu iMacs idle and untouched. In the event we can't make a secure wifi link, we'd like any non-techie instructions that'd allow our iMacs' browsers and mail programs to use "SSH" to directly access the web thru our DSL eMacs instead of using our eMac's programs if at all possible. We'd truly appreciate any assistance! Thanks! JimWG
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