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Thread: xf86-input-mtrack: The Other Multitouch Trackpad Driver

  1. #71
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: xf86-input-mtrack: The Other Multitouch Trackpad Driver

    Quote Originally Posted by marciallus View Post
    And just wanted to say that your driver r0x !!

    Quote Originally Posted by marciallus View Post
    the only thing which could be pretty cool would be a graphical GUI for params, but i will try xinput this evening.
    I've considered doing something like that, but it would be a separate project and I'm focusing all of my effort on the driver.

    The Xinput properties support is in the dev branch, so if you installed one of the debs you won't be able to use it. It will be part of the next feature release, though. You can either wait till then or build the dev branch on your system.

    Quote Originally Posted by marciallus View Post
    and perhaps a four finger management ?
    Four finger tap and swipe support is coming with the next feature release as well.
    Gentoo Developer Extraordinaire

  2. #72
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    Re: xf86-input-mtrack: The Other Multitouch Trackpad Driver

    Quote Originally Posted by marciallus View Post

    I've just put ubuntu on my macbookpro 13', unibody, with big trackPad with One button
    And just wanted to say that your driver r0x !!

    I've use the tree finger swip up and down to run the scale or expo compiz plugin, like in mac OS

    and the 3 finger Taps for copy the clipboard. no problem for me all is good.

    the only thing which could be pretty cool would be a graphical GUI for params, but i will try xinput this evening.

    and perhaps a four finger management ?

    thanx a lot for your work


    MarCo, post your configs!

  3. #73
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: xf86-input-mtrack: The Other Multitouch Trackpad Driver

    Hi there,

    How do you install this? I downloaded the .deb from the ftp site, and Ubuntu software center installed it.
    I rebooted. But now what?

    I looked in the readme, but I don't see anything about how to activate / use this cool program.

    I don't need to compile it and install it, right? (meaning that make install command is not necessary because I have downloaded the .deb)


  4. #74
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    Re: xf86-input-mtrack: The Other Multitouch Trackpad Driver

    Quote Originally Posted by unagimiyagi View Post
    I looked in the readme, but I don't see anything about how to activate / use this cool program.
    Look again. There's a section called "Configuration" which takes up 90% of the readme.
    Gentoo Developer Extraordinaire

  5. #75
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    Re: xf86-input-mtrack: The Other Multitouch Trackpad Driver

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueDragonX View Post
    Look again. There's a section called "Configuration" which takes up 90% of the readme.

    This is what I see. It's in a file called
    I clicked on it and got what's below.

    Xorg Multitouch Trackpad Driver
    * Install the Debian package
    * Configure xorg.conf
    * Restart X

    When I am saying that I (and likely other newbies) do not understand how to install this, is that I would like more info about each of these three steps.

    In case you are interested in the points that a newbie used to the windows world would find unclear, it's:

    Where is the debian package? I assume that it's the binary for Ubuntu that I installed already from the ftp site dated April 28, 2011.

    How do I configure xorg.conf? Do I search for it somewhere in my file system and then add some lines to it?

    I assume I restart X (I think that's the windowing system name in Ubuntu) by rebooting the computer?

    Here is some additional detail for total newbies that I added to another post made earlier from Helios (thanks, Helios!)

    If you have ubuntu, go to this link and download the file that applies to your version of linux that you are running:

    I grabbed this one:
    xserver-xorg-input-mtrack_0.1.1_natty_i386.deb because I have Ubuntu 11.04 natty, the 32-bit version.

    double click on this and Ubuntu software center will open. Install it by following the onscreen directions. FYI: You do not need to download the tar file and extract it, compile it with "make install" or anything like that.
    If the right .deb is not in the link to the ftp site above, you'll have to compile this yourself before proceeding to any further steps. No directions are being included for that.

    OK, now you've just installed the new driver, but it's not activated yet.

    To do that, you need to find and edit a file called xorg.conf.

    The place (path) where this file is located on your computer is: /etc/X11/xorg.conf

    You need to open this file. If you use Nautilus, the windows explorer-type graphical file browser, you can navigate to and open this file.
    Or you can use nano or vim or gedit (all text editors) to open this file. To open this file, you need to become the superuser with the command sudo.
    So, to use the built-in text editor to modify xorg.conf, type in the following at the command line (open a terminal window):

         sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    Type in the following bit of code at the end of the file
    Section "InputClass"
            MatchIsTouchpad "on"
            Identifier "Touchpads"
            Driver "mtrack"
    When you are done, your xorg.conf should look like this:

    Section "Device"
            Identifier      "Default Device"
            Option  "NoLogo"        "True"
    Section "InputClass"
            MatchIsTouchpad "on"
            Identifier "Touchpads"
            Driver "mtrack"
    Bookmark this page and Reboot your computer. (yes, you must do this or the new driver won't work). If you don't wish to reboot, you can just restart the X windowing system if you know how to do that.

    To tweak the options for the driver (sensitivity, pressure sensing, tap to click enable/disable, thumb width, etc) follow the list of options in the configuration section of the readme here:

    You insert the options you want to tweak in your xorg.conf file in between "Driver "mtrack"" and "EndSection"

    Thanks for the great program!
    Last edited by unagimiyagi; May 13th, 2011 at 09:48 PM.

  6. #76
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    Re: xf86-input-mtrack: The Other Multitouch Trackpad Driver

    You would forgive my apparently stupid question, I hope...

    Is on supposed to remove every multitouch-related driver and tweak prior to installing mtrack?
    (xserver-xorg-input-mtrack_0.1.1_maverick_amd64.deb - in my own case)

    I've been messing with the xf86-, bcm-, and gpointing- thingies before...
    Thank you for your help.

  7. #77
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    Re: xf86-input-mtrack: The Other Multitouch Trackpad Driver

    Quote Originally Posted by clakes View Post
    You would forgive my apparently stupid question, I hope...

    Is on supposed to remove every multitouch-related driver and tweak prior to installing mtrack?
    (xserver-xorg-input-mtrack_0.1.1_maverick_amd64.deb - in my own case)

    I've been messing with the xf86-, bcm-, and gpointing- thingies before...
    Thank you for your help.
    Not a stupid question, but a difficult one for my to answer since I don't know specifically what else you have installed. I would just try it and see if it works. If not, then blacklist any kernel drivers that are not bcm5974, remove (or comment) any xorg.conf configuration that is not mtrack, and stop any services that may interfere associated with those blacklisted/removed kernel/xorg drivers.
    Gentoo Developer Extraordinaire

  8. #78
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    Re: xf86-input-mtrack: The Other Multitouch Trackpad Driver

    Quote Originally Posted by unagimiyagi View Post
    Thanks for the great program!
    Glad you figured it out!

    A bit of Googling is often all it takes to find a few examples and howtos. There's also loads of documentation both on the Ubuntu sites and the project pages for the software in question (xorg in this case). Ubuntu's docs are always a great place to start.
    Gentoo Developer Extraordinaire

  9. #79
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    Re: xf86-input-mtrack: The Other Multitouch Trackpad Driver

    just trying out mtrack (i couldnt handle the default trackpad, no click-n-drag), and see this in the Xorg.0.log even though it seems mtrack is working:

    [ 48.022] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "bcm5974" (type: TOUCHPAD)
    [ 48.022] (II) device control: init
    [ 48.022] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/mouse0"
    [ 48.022] (EE) mtrack: cannot configure device
    [ 48.022] (EE) Couldn't init device "bcm5974"
    [ 48.022] (II) UnloadModule: "mtrack"
    [ 48.022] (II) Unloading mtrack
    there are lots of other entries for mtrack and bcm5974, but this is the last.

    is this a problem? BTW, is kernel module bcm5974 still supposed to be loaded? mtrack depends on it?

    next up is to fine-tune the settings; two-finger drag in Firefox is not nice yet.

  10. #80
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    Dec 2010

    Re: xf86-input-mtrack: The Other Multitouch Trackpad Driver

    Quote Originally Posted by god7i11a View Post
    just trying out mtrack (i couldnt handle the default trackpad, no click-n-drag), and see this in the Xorg.0.log even though it seems mtrack is working:

    there are lots of other entries for mtrack and bcm5974, but this is the last.

    is this a problem? BTW, is kernel module bcm5974 still supposed to be loaded? mtrack depends on it?

    next up is to fine-tune the settings; two-finger drag in Firefox is not nice yet.
    That's not a problem. You should see the mtrack driver loaded for a /dev/input/event* device.

    The kernel driver provides access to the hardware, so yes.
    Gentoo Developer Extraordinaire

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