Well everybody, it's that time again!... Global Jam 2011! Who: The Chicago Loco Team and *ANYONE* who is interested in joining us for the event! What: Ubuntu Global Jam (Click here for more info) The Ubuntu-Chicago Team will be participating in the 11.04 Global Jam during the 2011 Flourish Conference, located at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Where: UIC Chicago (Click here for more info) When: Saturday and Sunday, April 2nd and 3rd 1:00PM (Saturday) - 6:00 PM (Sunday) Why: Loco get-togethers are a GREAT way to meet fellow Ubuntu users in your area, and to have a great time with like-minded people. It's always a great time, and you're sure to come away enjoying the experience! Global Jams are a *world-wide* event, where Locos come together to help improve the Ubuntu community. Join us, and everyone else across the world, in making this a better distro! On top of that, this jam is being held at the Flourish conference. It is a great way to meet new people and network at a great event. The goal of the Flourish Conference is to promote the use and adoption of Free Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) by demonstrating the practical applications of FLOSS in the business and academic world. RSVP: If you're interested in joining us for the party, please register on our events page and with Flourish (they are both free). Events: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/772/detail/ Flourish: http://www.flourishconf.com/2011/registration Contact Chicago Loco Team: Team Wiki Page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChicagoTeam Mailing List: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/lis...ntu-us-chicago IRC: #ubuntu-chicago on freenode.net Loco Sub-forum: You're in it I'm looking forward to seeing you guys/gals there
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