how do you display/manipulate all the filenames in a dir one at a time
or feed the results of the ls command into an array?

I'm working on a script that modifies file names and does some other stuff.

normally you can just do a for loop across all the filenames in the directory.

The problem is I'm using sed and awk to manipulate the file names before doing other actions with them. So I somehow need to display or read the file names one at a time. Here are two simplified versions of the script which kinda work, but not fully.

#script name:
#using ls
ls | sed 's/_/\ /' | awk '{print $2,"\t",$3,"\t",$4 }'

#script name:
#attempting to use cat
for file in *.txt
cat file | sed 's/_/\ /' | awk '{print $2,"\t",$3,"\t",$4 }'
#other actions using output

results of scripts:

1 3212011 test10
2 3212011 test11
3 3212011 test12

pages and pages of data from file1
pages and pages of data from file2
pages and pages of data from file3

I still feel like I didn't explain it well.