Hilton Austin Hotel Austin, Texas Saturday, April 2, 2011 Building on last year's success, Texas Linux Fest will be reprising our state-wide, community-run conference for Linux and open source software users and enthusiasts from around the Lone Star State. We hope you'll join us for our 2nd annual conference in Austin on April 2, and meet fellow Linux users and developers from around the state. The event is a community effort, and Linux User Groups (LUGs) and software development groups from across Texas are helping us to organize and plan for TLF 2011. If you would like to learn more, or just stay in touch, please visit our website at the links bellow to see how you can help. Register: https://register.texaslinuxfest.org Venue: http://texaslinuxfest.org/venue Schedule and Sessions: http://texaslinuxfest.org/program/session-schedule Volunteer: http://texaslinuxfest.org/volunteerlist Contact: http://texaslinuxfest.org/contact Mailing list: http://lists.texaslinuxfest.org/cgi-.../txlf-announce IRC: #txlf on freenode www.texaslinuxfest.org .:. identi.ca/texaslinuxfest .:. info@texaslinuxfest.org
I'll defiantly be going again! Anyone else going? Even if we don't do a loco booth, it'd be cool to meetup again.
I'll be there again.
Jeremy Fluhmann Texas Linux Fest - http://texaslinuxfest.org
It looks like the global bug jam is that weekend. Would it make sense to do something at TLF for it?
darnit! I work on Saturdays. I'd like to see Ambers talk , hopefully there will be allot of media coming out of it again.
"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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