Except you've certainly voided your warranty.
I am confused. In what way did I possibly void my warranty ? I made no changes to the BIOS or altered the hardware. How would they possible know that a piece of software fried their processor?
Originally Posted by restofactor It is okay, I successfully disabled it and posted my solution for everyone else annoyed by this. It is fine to warn people, but give people the freedom to do what they want. My laptop is under warranty, if it gets fried I will take it in and get a new one I ran it for more than an hour at 97 without any issues. Still strong as mother Russia! Thank you for the fix! As for the others in this thread, it may be noted that I run in to this problem and it is due to a BUG in the thermal sensor readings. A bug which causes my work to disappear randomly. I hate it. It would be awesome if it was working. And disabling it on hardware that it was not working on..
I had the same problem for a very long time now. In my case I also had a motherboard replaced on my Thinkpad T61p which was not exactly the one I had before, resulting in no way to get into the Bios and a "Thermal Sensor" warning on startup. I was ready to take the risk and follow your fix here, BUT, Before I did, I applied some thermal paste on my processor last night. Previously Code: acpi -t showed me at around 70 degrees going quickly up to 100 after minutes of use. Now I'm around the 50 degrees going up to 70 occasionally. Its only been a day, but after having random shutdowns many times a day, I call this a success so far. I suggest you try thermal paste. You'll need to open it up, remove the heatsync etc., and you WILL void your warranty. Or, if you are under warranty still, get it to the manufacturer and ask them to apply it.
acpi -t
Just 2 cents of info there... ok, 70C won't burn your processor right away. But it will damage it a little, in a cumulative fashion. (I searched that a lot, my laptop - HP touchsmart tx2 1050- has an inerent, by design, stupid heating problem and can reach 100C idle/booting).
Is there any news? This tweak doesn't work anymore it seems I've a Thinkpad with a defect sensor I think - I don't believe that the temperature can suddenly raise from 50 to 127 C in notime. The other sensors continue to deliver normal values as well ( the Thinkpads have many sensors in nearly every edge) Edit: On http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Docum.../sysfs-api.txt are more infos - but on a Ubuntu 12.04 a echo disabled>/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/mode fails with "write error: argument is invalid" ... Edit2: echo -n "disabled" >/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/mode works
Last edited by mifritscher; November 4th, 2012 at 09:48 PM.
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