Re: Introduce Yourself
Hi, My name is Justin I hail from Boise as well and well I have built every PC that I have ever owned. Hardware comes naturally to me it is the software part that I have trouble with. I have a love-hate relationship with Windows I love it on one hand because I like to MMORPG (Massive Multi-player On-line Role Playing Game) but I do not like to pay for subscriptions. My biggest wish is to have a MMORPG that is for Linux/Ubuntu that has awesome graphics and a good community. I have been using Ubuntu since 5.04 and since then I had put Ubuntu on my Laptop and used it entirely for school because Windows Vista and 7 overheated it when ever I would go to play an MMORPG so I just wiped the entire hard drive and put ubuntu on it and have not had a problem since. Recently I built an AMD Quad-Core system that I use to do most things that Windows does with out getting hit in the pocketbook. All in all I think that I am going to stick with Ubuntu this time and build me another PC exclusively for Windows.
If Ubuntu had 31 flavors then we could call it Baskin' Ubuntu.