No way to look in sda2? No, extended partitions are basically just shells which house non-primary partitions, in this case sda5 sits inside it. Since you're getting a 'no such file' error with every partition, I guess you installed Wubi to a non-standard location. Unmount sdb1 (don't forget "sudo" at the start of the umount command) and open re-mount sda1, then run Code: nautilus /win to open the file browser. Take a look around and see if you can find your root.disk, and make a note of it's location, then rerun the mount/loop command with the correct location. Alternatively, if it's easier for you, just reboot to Windows and check it's location from there.
nautilus /win There are 10 kinds of people in this world: Those who understand ternary, those who don't, and those who confuse it with binary.
Yes, I thought I'd look from the Windows side. On the C: drive there is an Ubuntu folder, but it contains only the Install folder, Uninstall folder, Ubuntu logo and boot folder. No Disk folder.
That's odd, are you still getting the grub error? Have you run a disk check recently? Sometimes chkdsk moves root.disk to a "C:\$RECOVERY" folder (or similar), but I've never heard of it moving an entire folder. Could you have accidentally deleted the disks folder? Check the recycle bin just in case. You may want to use Windows' search function to see if you can find it that way.
Found it! It had been moved to a "Found" folder along with Swap.disk and Grub. So maybe I'll just copy it to my external drive and mount it from there with the live cd. Windows probably can't read it, right? Thanks much for the help!
Nah, I don't think Windows can read it. There's (possibly flakey) support for reading ext4 partitions, but I don't think it extends to virtual disks. Rebooting into the LiveCD and refollowing the mount instructions is your best bet.
So I haven't actually seen my pictures yet, but having found the Root.disk, I feel that I can put a Solved tag on the thread. Thanks again.
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