Just wanted to start a thread on some local community events. The first is coming up in about a week (end of Feb) - Boise Code Camp at the BSU campus. LinuxFest NW will be in Bellingham, WA as usual, end of April. OSCON is back in Portland this year, end of July. Anyone planning on attending any of these events this year? Any additional cool stuff happening that we don't know about yet?
Just learned about another Tech Event in Idaho - also a free event. develop.idaho, April 20 Downtown Boise, 1-5:30 with an afterparty. Will post more info on the website/wiki when it becomes available.
So technically not a local event, but thought I'd pass it on for folks interested in Python. Possibly too late for this year (Is is next week in GA) but good to know it exists... http://us.pycon.org/2011/home/
Annual Events 2013: Boise Code Camp (Boise, ID) - Saturday, March 16, http://boisecodecamp.com/ Linuxfest Northwest (Bellingham, WA) - Sat & Sun, April 27 - 28, http://www.linuxfestnorthwest.org/ OSCON (Portland, OR) - Mon to Tues (Tutorials), Weds to Fri (Conference), July 22 - 26, http://www.oscon.com/oscon2013
Missed an important one - Boise Maker Faire, May 2013. http://boisemakerfaire.com/ Originally Posted by rihanha Annual Events 2013: Boise Code Camp (Boise, ID) - Saturday, March 16, http://boisecodecamp.com/ Linuxfest Northwest (Bellingham, WA) - Sat & Sun, April 27 - 28, http://www.linuxfestnorthwest.org/ OSCON (Portland, OR) - Mon to Tues (Tutorials), Weds to Fri (Conference), July 22 - 26, http://www.oscon.com/oscon2013
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