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Thread: [Generic Programming] Looping down a tree

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Lightbulb [Generic Programming] Looping down a tree


    I've got a programming problem that I'm not sure how to code. It's a general what-algorithm-should-I-use sort of problem. The basic context is that I want to separate a comic page into its individual panels.

    What I do is scan through each line in the vertical direction and if the line has more than, say, 5 black pixels, it is not a separator. Otherwise it is. I then repeat this in the horizontal direction like in the image above. This is done by manually writing 2 loops. What I would like to do is have an automatic while/for loop which repeats the scanning in the vertical direction again, then in the horizontal direction and continue until it is impossible to split the image into smaller panels.

    Is there a way to do this? I've looked for a few tree algorithms but I couldn't find one that I understood well enough to write my own version of.

    My python code is below, crop_panels() is the relevant function.


    #!/usr/bin/env python
    from __future__ import division
    import sys
    import os
    import numpy
    from PIL import Image
    import datetime
    def detect_white(image):
        """This function takes a PIL image and returns a numpy array of booleans"""
        # Save a b&w image for testing
        image.convert('1', dither=0).save('black_white.png')
        # Make a color matrix of the image
        image_array = image.convert('1', dither=0).load()
        pixel_array = []
        # Array of pixels
        for index in range(image.size[1]):
            for i in range(image.size[0]):
                # If color is greater than 250, then it's white (True)
                pixel_array[index].append(image_array[i, index] >= 250)
        # Convert list of lists into a numpy array
        pixel_array = numpy.array(pixel_array)
        # Return size and array as a tuple
        return pixel_array
    def detect_stripes(area_array, threshold):
        """This function detects horizontal (=) stripes in an area of an image"""
        # Get width and height (shape of matrix)
        height, width = area_array.shape
        # Calculate number of pixels allowed to be False for it to still be a stripe
        false_pixels = int(height * threshold)
        # Fill a list with all pixels
        stripes = range(height)
        # Loop through each row in the image, checking whether the pixels are True
        for line_index, line in enumerate(area_array):
            # Start with zero false pixels
            num_false_pixels = 0
            for pixel in line:
                # If the number of allowed false pixels is reached, go to the next line
                if pixel == False:
                    if num_false_pixels >= false_pixels:
                        num_false_pixels += 1
        stripes.append(0) # Assume that there is a stripe at the start and end of the image
        return stripes
    def clean_stripes(stripes):
        """This function consolidates stripes that are close together"""
        clean_stripes = []
        i = 0
        # Go through the stripes
        while i < len(stripes):
                total = stripes[i]
                number_of_lines = 1
                while stripes[i] + 1 == stripes[i + 1]:
                    i += 1
                    number_of_lines += 1
                    total += stripes[i]
            except IndexError: # If the value is the last in the list
            except ZeroDivisionError:
            i += 1
        # Remove duplicates
        clean_stripes = list(set(clean_stripes))
        return clean_stripes
    def crop_panels(image):
        """This function returns a tree of panels"""
        # Orientation - 0 is horizontal (=), 1 is vertical (||), swap every loop
        pixel_array = detect_white(image)
        # Get width and height (shape of matrix)
        height, width = pixel_array.shape    
        crop_array = [] # [(top_x, top_y, bottom_x, bottom_y), [(top_x, top_y, bottom_x, bottom_y)]]
        # Scan horizontally
        stripes = clean_stripes(detect_stripes(pixel_array, HORIZONTAL_THRESHOLD))
        # Convert to crop boxes and append
        for stripe_index, stripe in enumerate(stripes):
                crop_array.append((0, stripe, width, stripes[stripe_index + 1]))
            except IndexError: # Last stripe
        # Scan vertically
        for box_index, box in enumerate(crop_array):
            box_array = []
            stripes = clean_stripes(detect_stripes(pixel_array[box[1]:box[3],box[0]:box[2]].T, VERTICAL_THRESHOLD))
            for stripe_index, stripe in enumerate(stripes):
                    box_array.append((stripe, crop_array[box_index][1], stripes[stripe_index + 1], crop_array[box_index][3]))
                except IndexError: # Last stripe
            # Replace coordinates with new panels if found
            if len(box_array) > 0:
                crop_array[box_index] = box_array
            else: # Otherwise use old panels
                    crop_array[box_index] = [(0, crop_array[box_index], width, crop_array[box_index + 1])]
                except IndexError: # If it's the last, use the height
                    crop_array[box_index] = [(0, crop_array[box_index], width, height)]
        return crop_array
    def output_panels(image, panel_array):
        """This function takes a panel array and outputs individual images"""
        for indexi, i in enumerate(panel_array):
            for indexj, j in enumerate(i):
                image.crop(j).save('%s_%s-%s.png'%(INPUT_FILE, indexi, indexj))
    def init():
        """Run application"""
        # Get input file
        INPUT_FILE = sys.argv[1]
        # Percentage of line to be black but still a stripe
        # Get image
        image =
        # Crop panels out and output images
        output_panels(image, crop_panels(image))
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    EDIT: I think I'm supposed to use a
    Last edited by durand; December 14th, 2010 at 02:36 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: [Generic Programming] Looping down a tree

    You familiar with recursion?

    All you need is a recursive function which looks for separators: If it finds none, you've hit the base case (an individual panel) and you can store it away. Otherwise, you crop/cut up the image appropriately and recursively call the function on each new image.

  3. #3
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    Re: [Generic Programming] Looping down a tree

    Yeah, I've been playing with recursive functions to do that but it's giving me a headache. I guess I'll just start with a simpler problem and practise first.

  4. #4
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    Re: [Generic Programming] Looping down a tree

    in pseudocode it would be something along the lines of

    cut_to_pieces( piece, orientation )
      if orientation == horizontal
        orientation = vertical
        orientation = horizontal
    #to alternate -> H,V,H,V
      if separator not found
        exit current function #this piece is indivisible, end of recursion is here
        for each found_piece in piece
          cut_to_pieces( found_piece, orientation )
      cut_to_pieces( image, vertical )
    you can simulate these mechanics on something simpler, like ordinary string with parentheses
    str=(A)([B][C])([D][(E)(F)]) where alternate () and [] are equivalent of horizontal/vertical
    recursion is quite expensive though
    Last edited by Vaphell; December 14th, 2010 at 03:47 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Re: [Generic Programming] Looping down a tree

    Interesting problem!

    I am not sure that your algorithm will work in all cases. For example, imagine a page of a size 3x3:
    with five images 12, 47, 36, 89 and 5 There is no horizontal nor vertical line which can be considered as a separator.

    Having said that, a possible algorithm could be to work with horizontal and vertical segments and try defining the largest rectangle starting from the top left corner; then to repeat the operation from the found borders.

    Of course, all this supposes that the cases have horizontal and vertical borders...

  6. #6
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    Re: [Generic Programming] Looping down a tree

    Hi Vaphell, your code works but I can't see of a way to modify it to store something in a list of increasing dimensions, like I have been doing. Though thinking about it, I could just have a second list and substitute one cropping box for a set of cropping box without increasing dimensions. I'll try that tomorrow.

    squenson, yeah, that is another problem. A third is if the separators are not perfectly horizontal or vertical. I was basically going to do as you suggested, but the problem is it involves masses of computer time. Maybe I could detect stripes of 50 pixels or more, generate an equation for it and then see if they intersect? I have no idea how to go about that though :S

    Thanks everyone for their suggestions!

  7. #7
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    Re: [Generic Programming] Looping down a tree

    what do you mean by list of increasing dimensions? you copy the data over for further division?
    if so you can work on a single global instance of your image data and calculate only bounding boxes recursively ( so the function would use only coordinates as parameters -> cut( top_y, bottom_y, left_x, right_x ) ). Inside the function only the subset of pixels would be tested, x from leftx to rightx, y from bottomy to topy. Add results to some global list that is used to actually cut the stuff out of the input image at the end.

    and yeah, all these exceptions are nasty - though nobody said that the pattern recognition is easy
    Last edited by Vaphell; December 14th, 2010 at 07:10 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: [Generic Programming] Looping down a tree

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaphell View Post
    you can simulate these mechanics on something simpler, like ordinary string with parentheses
    str=(A)([B][C])([D][(E)(F)]) where alternate () and [] are equivalent of horizontal/vertical
    recursion is quite expensive though
    In what sense is recursion expensive?

  9. #9
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    Re: [Generic Programming] Looping down a tree

    in the obvious sense that it can be a memory hog - you can't run 1000000 recursions happily and expect not running out of memory. Of course not the case with few layers, unless the boatloads of data are copied without much thought.
    Last edited by Vaphell; December 14th, 2010 at 10:36 AM.

  10. #10
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    Re: [Generic Programming] Looping down a tree

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaphell View Post
    in the obvious sense that it can be a memory hog - you can't run 1000000 recursions happily and expect not running out of memory. Of course not the case with few layers, unless the boatloads of data are copied without much thought.
    In some languages, you can, but I suppose you are talking about Python.

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