Hi there!! I'm trying to run an Expect script that mount an encrypted folder with truecrypt in Ubuntu 10.04, nothing too complicated. The Expect script looks like this:
spawn /usr/bin/truecrypt /home/administrador/home.txt -k /home/administrador/key.txt /home/administrador/encry
pted -p password --protect-hidden=no
expect "?assword*"
send "password\r"
send "\r"
expect eof
I then call it in the /etc/rc.local with:
expect previous_script
The thing is that the Expect script works like a charm as a login script or as any other script but a boot script. At the boot log I get something like
send: spawn id exp5 not open
I really need it because I want to mount the encrypted file at boot time without human iteraction.
Any thaughts??
Thanks in advance