I've set up to be at CPOSC again this year, and have sent out a couple of emails, but have been so far behind due to work and school, that I haven't had a chance to post it here or on our website, or the wiki, but here it is. The Central PA Open Source Conference is back again (3rd Annual) at Harrisburg University. Below are the details, there are still tickets available, and once again, I am asking for help (both financial and feet on the ground). It's going to cost us $100, and I think this is a really valuable venue for promoting Ubuntu and the Pennsylvania LoCo Team. Last year we really had fun and met a lot of very friendly people. I'll post a paypal link on my blog and on the team website to raise the money. I already have $25 dollars donated, and any other amounts would be appreciate. I will cover whatever we don't raise. I have ordered a conference pack which should arrive by Friday, which will give us some nice loot to distribute. And I hope to see quite a few teammates there. INCLUDING Brian Stempin and Chris Teodorski who will be giving talks (congratulations guys!). Last year Lyz presented and made us proud, so this shows how our members are on the cutting edge of open source in Pennsylvania! Anyone wanting to get together afterward or before, shoot me an email at freelancer317 AT gmail Dot com Last year we got together at ABC (Appalachian Brewing Company a local brewpub/restaurant) afterwards and had a great time (and pretty good beer for the beer drinkers). I really look forward to meeting as many of you as possible! Here's the link and information on the event: http://www.cposc.org/ 21 Speakers, 3 Tracks, 1 Awesome Day CPOSC 2010 is shaping up to be our biggest and best conference yet! Where else can you see over twenty experts in the open source community, with sessions covering everything from system administration to coding and everything in between, all in one day? This year’s conference will be on Saturday, October 16, 2010 at Harrisburg University in downtown Harrisburg, PA. What is CPOSC? The Central PA Open Source Conference (CPOSC) is a small, low-cost, one-day conference about all things Open Source. It was started in 2008 by a few of the members of the Central PA Linux User Group and the Central PA Ruby Meetup. This year’s conference will be our third annual event. When and where is CPOSC 2010? CPOSC 2010 will be held at Harrisburg University on Saturday, October 16, 2010. What’s the format of the conference? There will be 21 speakers divided into 3 tracks, and all sessions will be 50 minutes. You can check out the schedule, but please note that it is subject to change. How can I get updates about the conference? Follow @cposc on Twitter. That’s the best way to get up-to-the-minute updates regarding the conference. You can also add the blog to your favorite RSS reader.
- Bret Pennsylvania LoCo Team Contact http://breadthofreality.blogspot.com
Conference Pack arrived today!
Bret, I know and work with Chris in western PA. I saw this posting and sent him a message telling him it was up on the LoCo forum and that he is now famous.
I don't think I'll be able to make it but I hope I can....
"Meddle not with roos; thou art crunchy and grasshopper-like" ※The SABRFL※ Last edited by ubunterooster; 1 Minute ago
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