116 used to have a T-Shirt that said "I listen to the voices in my head..."
"Concurrent coexistence of Windows, Linux and UNIX..." || Ubuntu user # 33563, Linux user # 533637 Sticky: Graphics Resolution | UbuntuForums 'system-info' Script | Posting Guidelines | Code Tags
118 Did it have a picture? Lyrics from a song? or just the words (in a crazy font I assume)
121 ...a 'hazy' font. Best one I've seen lately said, "Yes I was talking to myself. I'm self-employed and we were having a staff meeting."
127 I prevailed after all, Stay far away from the Dark Side....
132 Saturday's efforts: https://ubottu.com/y/uwnprep Is this what will be ?
THE current(cy) in Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PopularPages Happy ubuntu'n !
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