How can you get Compiz to work in Lubuntu. I tryed to change the window manager, but can't. Is there a way?
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I have change the windows manager to Compiz, but Compiz effcts don't work.
compiz ib Lubuntu is not easy to implement as Lubuntu is meant to be a lightweight Distro with lightweight applications and sadly compiz is not lightweight so if you want compiz then you will need to run Either Ubuntu or Kubuntu and possibly Xubuntu though i doubt Xubuntu could easily do compiz. to me Lubuntu feels too restrictive in what you can do.
While soldier1st is correct about Compiz not really being able to work with Lubuntu, he's incorrect about it not being easily enabled in Xubuntu. XFCE supports Compiz quite nicely and there is even a howto which walks you through installing and configuring it on the forums. Matt
I see no reason why it would not work on Lubuntu. You can even use Compiz as a standalone window manager with no DE, like Openbox. EDIT: this link have some screenshots of Compiz in LXDE. First, do you have your video drivers installed? Check the hardware driver manager. (I don't know how to use it on Lubuntu, but I guess it is similar) Second, try running the following command from a terminal. It will replace whatever window manager is running for Compiz. Code: compiz --replace ccp EDIT: Third, do you have another window decorator (Emerald or Metacity) installed?
compiz --replace ccp
Last edited by Tibuda; September 21st, 2010 at 09:15 PM.
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I run compiz in lubuntu and it works very nicely thankyou very much. You need to add it to your start up applications Code: sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart add a line to the bottom of that file Code: @compiz --replace Press Ctrl-O then Enter to save then Ctrl-X to close nano. It should start at login
sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart
@compiz --replace
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Compiz + LXDE or XFCE is a contradiction of principles, since one aims at light- weight and snappiness and the other at wight and ostentation. This is like getting your Ford Mustang to pull a boat, when a F150 Truck will do a much better job. That said, all you have to do to get this is to install compiz from Ubuntu Software Center and then run Code: compiz --replace What I usually do under Gnome is that I install "fusion-icon" and then switch between Compiz, Openbox and Metacity depending on what I am doing. Openbox is best for work, Metacity is best to save energy, when I run on battery power and Compiz is best to showoff.
compiz --replace
Originally Posted by 3Miro Compiz + LXDE or XFCE is a contradiction of principles, since one aims at light- weight and snappiness and the other at wight and ostentation. This is linux If you want to run compiz and lxde then you are free to do so. Like me. And I do. The principle is that you can use the tools to do whatever you want. I see no contradiction.
Originally Posted by nothingspecial This is linux If you want to run compiz and lxde then you are free to do so. Of course. I was only making the observation that the biggest strength and reason to use LXDE and XFCE is the speed and Compiz will take a toll form that. If you don't mind, then go ahead and use whatever you want to use.
Originally Posted by 3Miro Of course. I was only making the observation that the biggest strength and reason to use LXDE and XFCE is the speed and Compiz will take a toll form that. If you don't mind, then go ahead and use whatever you want to use. Actually, both of those desktops feel much snappier and more responsive on my laptop with compiz turned on. Everything runs smoother and renders observably faster on the screen. Personally, I would never run either without compiz just for that reason. It's actually why I prefer compiz over Metacity's own compositing manager...compiz just performs better.
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