Hello fellow South Carolinians, I'm on my way back from Ohio LinuxFest. I attended the Ubucon while there and asked if there was a SC LoCo. Amber Graner pointed me to the wiki site, irc channel and forums. I just got back on the forums, so this is a new account for me. I am a member of CSCLUG, the Charleston, South Carolina Linux Users Group. http://www.csclug.org I would like to help out with the SC LoCo. I've been a long time linux user and was doing some work helping out with a lesser known source-based distribution a number of years ago. My free time gets divided between linux and games and lately games have been winning out. I am interested in possibily becoming a MOTU or some other means of contributing to Ubuntu. Hopefully we can get this Loco going again.
Greetings and salutations. I am also a long time Linux user, and I found Ubuntu is just easier to explain and show someone still using Windows. And working for the company I work for, Ubuntu is very easy to get printers set up on and also scanning to a desktop folder. I'm a member of the Upstate Carolina Linux Users Group here in Greenville, www.uclug.org. I'm also looking to help out with this loco.
Last edited by uclugLee; September 15th, 2010 at 03:06 PM.
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