Just found out about this local group. I've been messing around with Kubuntu since last October, and want to know if there are any Ubuntu groups here in OKC. I see by the threads below that there is one in Lawton, and one in Tulsa! Thanks.. Scott
You should join our mailinglist. Their are announcements on their about meetings in the OKC area. Here is the latest one: okcLUGnuts http://okclugnuts.org September Meeting 7pm Friday September 10th Location: okcCoCo Open to the public, all skill levels welcome Jason Ormand will give a presentation on Conky – Conky is a free, light-weight system monitor for X, that displays any information on your desktop. Conky is licensed under the GPL and runs on Linux and BSD. http://conky.sourceforge.net/ Derrick Parkhurst will give a presentation on Munin – Munin is a networked resource monitoring tool that can help analyze resource trends and “what just happened to kill our performance?” problems. It is designed to be very plug and play. A default installation provides a lot of graphs with almost no work. http://munin-monitoring.org/ We’ll again have a Command Line Fu (http://commandlinefu.com) session. This time there will be prizes! As always, people are also welcome to give a short presentation on any Linux related topic that interests them. Thanks! Derrick -- Derrick Parkhurst, Ph.D. @thirtysixthspan (405) 596-4697 derrick.parkhurst@gmail.com
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