
I am using Ubuntu 9.10. I installed aircrack-ng and metasploit. Using airmon-ng, I am able to put wireless interface into monitor mode. Using airbase-ng, I am able to create a fake accesspoint as well.
But when metasploit, I am getting error like

"Auxiliary failed: RuntimeError LORCON could not detect a driver and none specified"

Here is the dump of:

msf auxiliary(fakeap) > show options

Module options:

Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------
BSSID no Use this static BSSID (e.g. AA:BB:CCD:EE:FF)
CHANNEL 1 yes The initial channel
DRIVER autodetect yes The name of the wireless driver for lorcon
INTERFACE wlan1 yes The name of the wireless interface
NUM 50 no Number of beacons to send
SSID no Use this static SSID

msf auxiliary(fakeap) > run

[-] Auxiliary failed: RuntimeError LORCON could not detect a driver and none specified
[-] Call stack:
[-] /opt/metasploit3/msf3/lib/msf/core/exploit/lorcon2.rb:70:in `new'
[-] /opt/metasploit3/msf3/lib/msf/core/exploit/lorcon2.rb:70:in `open_wifi'
[-] (eval):44:in `run'[*] Auxiliary module execution completed

Thanks in advance