Hi all, we've had some sort of user group in the past, but nothing happened. I was thinking about reviving some interest in this. Who would want to step up and help promoting Ubuntu and Linux in Hawaii? Please write in this thread who you are and what you would be willing to do. I am on UH Manoa Campus all the time, we can meet there. I will be talking to the EE or ICS department about setting up an Ubuntu mirror as well. Stephan
Hey, Stephan. I'm totally in. I've been wanting to set up a LUG with a focus on education professionals for some time. I have some ideas on creating a social / support system in pyramid fashion. I'm also in process of preparing ideas for a pilot group of UHM faculty to use Ubuntu at UH (I know there are already some doing so, but not yet in a supported and organized fashion). This is me: http://portal.coe.hawaii.edu/directo...r=paul+mckimmy You can email me at paul.mckimmy@gmail.com BTW, I think we're already running an Ubuntu mirror at College of Education, I'll need to check up on the details though. I think HOSEF still runs one on-island too I am back on island on the 11th, happy to meet up on campus.
Hey Paul, sounds great. I am already in touch with some public school teachers and they are very interested in Edubuntu / Ubuntu. I agreed to give a little talk about Ubuntu and demo a system, but I am looking for support to maybe move forward and actually open a Hawaii LoCo Team. More via email. Stephan
I'll look forward to working on it with you. Also happy to help demo, I've been Ubuntu-only for over 2 years and do tech orientations for incoming teacher candidates every year
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