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Thread: Cannot Access Network

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Cannot Access Network

    I just tried this from an Ubuntu 10.04.1 live CD and from my dad's Macintosh. smbtree on his Mac says that my mom's computer exist, and can even connect to it. smbtree on the live CD gives the same output as my 10.04 installation, NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL. Recently, my router has been randomly disappearing. When I type in, I sometimes get an error, and have to reset the router to access its settings. Are there some settings I'm missing on the Windows 7 machine? I was able to back up to it before...
    Last edited by Joseph Schwenker; September 1st, 2010 at 02:53 AM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Cannot Access Network

    I followed part two of these instructions, and I think that I may be on the right track.

    smbtree now outputs:

    joseph@joseph:~$ smbtree
    Enter joseph's password: 
    	\\POWER-MAC-G4   		Power Mac G4
    		\\POWER-MAC-G4\Stylus Photo 1400	EPSON SP 1400 Series (1)
    		\\POWER-MAC-G4\iP2600 series  	Canon iP2600 series
    		\\POWER-MAC-G4\ADMIN$         	IPC Service (Power Mac G4)
    		\\POWER-MAC-G4\IPC$           	IPC Service (Power Mac G4)
    	\\JOSEPH         		joseph server (Samba, Ubuntu)
    		\\JOSEPH\HP-Deskjet-F4480	HP Deskjet F4480
    		\\JOSEPH\Photosmart-C4100-series	HP Photosmart C4100 series
    		\\JOSEPH\IPC$           	IPC Service (joseph server (Samba, Ubuntu))
    		\\JOSEPH\print$         	Printer Drivers
    However, browsing Network in Nautilus still gives me errors. Maybe a restart would do? I'll experiment a bit more.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Cannot Access Network

    Hmm... well, whatever I did, things seem to be working now. It seems that smbtree started working after I did step two, though I started a new session after I finished the whole thing. I might not have even had to do the steps after two. Either way, the network seems to be working properly for the time being. I'm currently backing up my data (hopefully it doesn't randomly stop like it did last time!), and I'll test the printer and some other stuff in the days to come. If anything's up, I'll post about it.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Cannot Access Network

    Well, it's still working today, and most of my data was backed up last night, so all seems good. However, when I started my computer today (this might be related to the files I edited, as instructed by part two), Ubuntu went to the boot screen and displayed a message about being unable to mount / or something. It gave me options to fix it, wait, or manually fix it. I chose to manually fix it, and noticed that the screen was running at the default resolution for the boot screen instead of 1680x1050, which I specified in a system file months ago. Also, the screen was too far to the left, which I had also fixed months ago. After a few ls's and cd's in the manual fix terminal, I discovered that, thankfully, all of my data was intact. I tried pressing ctrl alt F8 to return to X, but nothing happened. I then tried sudo shutdown now, and then I was taken to X. However, the bar with the accessibility button, the keyboard layout button, and the user switching options at the login screen was at the top instead of the bottom. I was able to login, however, and everything seems okay. When I tried to start Chrome, it wouldn't start. Knowing that it was a permissions issue, I ran Chrome from the terminal to see the output. Contrary to what I expected, it was not a problem with /opt/google/chrome's permissions, but a problem with /dev/shm. This is the output:

    joseph@joseph:/opt/google/chrome$ ./chrome
    [2974:2982:416897650:FATAL:base/] Creating shared memory in /dev/shm/ failed. This is frequently caused by incorrect permissions on /dev/shm. Try 'sudo chmod 777 /dev/shm' to fix.: No such file or directory
    I ran the command, and everything worked as expected. smbtree also works.
    The disk utility reports the same data as before: one sector bad, which passes.
    I'll try rebooting the computer to see if the same thing happens. Hopefully, it won't. Hopefully, this is a problem with the files I edited, and not with my hard drive. You can imagine how relieved I was that I had backed up my data the previous day!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Cannot Access Network

    Well, my previous problem seems okay for the moment, however, I am now unable to access the network. I was trying to finish backing up my videos folder, then to check to see that I had all of my files backed up. I got an error message saying that the directory didn't exist. I ran smbtree, and I got:

    failed negprot: ERRnomem
    failed negprot: ERRnomem
    Marvelous. I'll try logging out then back in. The computer is still on that I was sending the data to. Why the hell does it keep stopping halfway through?!

    Edit: Logging out then back in did nothing. Same output. I'll try restarting next.
    Last edited by Joseph Schwenker; September 1st, 2010 at 11:51 PM.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Cannot Access Network

    Restarting didn't work either. I'll trying restarting the remote machine. smbtree now outputs nothing.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Cannot Access Network

    Well, my mom turned off her computer while mine was restarting, thus creating the blank output. Either way, smbtree now outputs normally.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Talking [SOLVED] Re: Cannot Access Network

    Quote Originally Posted by fbobraga View Post
    It seems strange, but after installing the ntfs-config package here, a issue like yours stoped...

    I just installed Maverick Meerkat as a guest OS using virtualbox, and was getting this until I followed your advice:

    Could not display "network:///".
    Error: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.
    Please select another viewer and try again.

    This wasn't a problem in Lucid, I don't think. Maybe they stuck it in there because their LTS needed ntfs support natively to make corporate clients happy. Who knows.

    ANYWAY, you made my day!!!! Gracias, rice, and many beans to you.

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