In an effort to re-ignite the texas team progression I am planning a killeen team meetup. I have already sent a email out about this and am adding a post here. Please all personnel from other teams feel free to come to meeting. I am planning this meeting for this weekend. I am open to a location though i am currently planning for barnes and nobles: its quite, java, and wi-fi!! I already have a few personnel interested but of course more is welcome. If interested send me a message or email. Thanks.
Ubuntu Christian Edition chat on irc at server: OFTC/channel: #ubuntuCE BootInfoScript DualBooting Grub Grub2 MBR/GRUB Boot Info Script courtesy of community member meierfra and ghulselmans
I will be planning a meeting for sometime in the second week of July in killeen. Any takers are we lcome of course.
I head out of state July 12th, and need to visit the folks in Houston at some point before then. If I can make it though, I'll totally be there.
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