To whom it may concern, I am from los angeles california and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in starting an ubuntu help line center for people who use ubuntu locally. Forums and wikis help but some of the time people want to speak to a human and want help quickly. Also there are multiple fairs throughout the year within los angeles, Would anyone be willing to start an install booth at one of the events? Anyone have any ideas on what event would be best suited for this kind of booth?
I think the best thing to do is have new users go to #ubuntu on IRC and if they are in California, log onto #-ubuntu-california as the best place for immediate answers if they cant wait for a reply on the forums here. I actually spend more time now on IRC than the forums. People are helpful and friendly on IRC too! I dont know how much quicker for a help line you are looking for. A phone set up? In think IRC is the easiest way to connect with other Ubuntu users.
Hi tyon999! The team hosts a few booths per year, the last booth the team hosted was at the Southern California Linux Expo back in February: I'm in nocal, but there are plenty of people down your way so I'd suggest that you propose a venue at an upcoming event and begin planning
Elizabeth Krumbach // pleia2 //
According to my perception almost each and every body is concerning to this one but we should compel it to every one that is not a good way to investigate.
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