I read this post and was able to get the voices working, but when I change the .festivalrc file to have (voice.select 'nitech_us_slt_arctic_hts) it seems ignored. Am I missing something? I also tried (set! voice_default 'nitech_us_slt_arctic_hts), but that gives errors. Any hints?
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Originally Posted by solomonson I read this post and was able to get the voices working, but when I change the .festivalrc file to have (voice.select 'nitech_us_slt_arctic_hts) it seems ignored. Am I missing something? I also tried (set! voice_default 'nitech_us_slt_arctic_hts), but that gives errors. Any hints? I had the same problem. I didn't mind at the start but when I tried to pipe wave output to neroAacEnc nero recognized the wave header for default voice only. I opened /usr/share/festival/voices.scm as super user There is a function in there called default-voice-priority-list originally it looked like this: (defvar default-voice-priority-list '(kal_diphone cmu_us_bdl_arctic_hts cmu_us_jmk_arctic_hts cmu_us_slt_arctic_hts cmu_us_awb_arctic_hts ; cstr_rpx_nina_multisyn ; restricted license (lexicon) ; cstr_rpx_jon_multisyn ; restricted license (lexicon) ; cstr_edi_awb_arctic_multisyn ; restricted license (lexicon) ; cstr_us_awb_arctic_multisyn ked_diphone don_diphone rab_diphone en1_mbrola us1_mbrola us2_mbrola us3_mbrola gsw_diphone ;; not publically distributed el_diphone ) "default-voice-priority-list List of voice names. The first of them available becomes the default voice.") I added my preferred voice and saved: (defvar default-voice-priority-list '(nitech_us_slt_arctic_hts kal_diphone cmu_us_bdl_arctic_hts cmu_us_jmk_arctic_hts cmu_us_slt_arctic_hts cmu_us_awb_arctic_hts ; cstr_rpx_nina_multisyn ; restricted license (lexicon) ; cstr_rpx_jon_multisyn ; restricted license (lexicon) ; cstr_edi_awb_arctic_multisyn ; restricted license (lexicon) ; cstr_us_awb_arctic_multisyn ked_diphone don_diphone rab_diphone en1_mbrola us1_mbrola us2_mbrola us3_mbrola gsw_diphone ;; not publically distributed el_diphone ) "default-voice-priority-list List of voice names. The first of them available becomes the default voice.") This is a complete hack. Hope it helps.
That worked for me too. Thanks for sharing! BTW: Do you have any idea on how to change the speed of the voice?
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