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Thread: Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and Zimbra desktop

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal

    Re: Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and Zimbra desktop

    Quote Originally Posted by P4man View Post
    btw, it seems to setup the app for user "root", not for your user. Are you sure you need to run the install script as root (using sudo?). You may try running it again without sudo. It looks like a java app, it may not need root privileges to install.

    Yes, I got it this time! Thanks to you telling me to re-do it again but less "sudo".I placed the files under /home/user/zdesktop because it rejected the default path into /root. A proper Zimbra desktop icon didn't appear as you can see but now I know the command by looking up the icon properties. I've already created a Zimbra Desktop launcher in the Main Menu and for some strange reason that earlier desktop icon didn't work though the command I took to create the launcher does .

    I'm so happy getting up to here, I just need to jot down the incoming mail server's name from my dept's IT administrator tomorrow.

    P4man, You're a swell guy. Thanks again.

    user@pc:~$ cd Downloads
    user@pc:~/Downloads$ sh ./
    Unpacking JRE ...
    Preparing JRE ...
    Starting Installer ...
    Warning: Cannot convert string "-b&h-lucidasans-medium-r-normal-sans-*-140-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct
    /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:71: Failed to parse property value " GTK_SHADOW_NONE " for `GtkToolbar::shadow-type'
    /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:72: Failed to parse property value " GTK_SHADOW_NONE " for `GtkMenuBar::shadow-type'
    /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:75: error: lexical error or unexpected token, expected valid token
    ij version 10.3
    ij> CONNECT 'jdbc:derby:/home/user/zdesktop/derby;create=true';
    ij> RUN '/home/user/zdesktop/db/db.sql';
    ij> --
    -- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
    -- Zimbra Collaboration Suite Server
    -- Copyright (C) 2007 Zimbra, Inc.
    -- The contents of this file are subject to the Yahoo! Public License
    -- Version 1.0 ("License"); you may not use this file except in
    -- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
    -- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
    -- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    -- ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****

    CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.stor age.pageSize', '16384');
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.stor age.pageCacheSize', '1000');
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.lang uage.logQueryPlan', 'true');
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.lang uage.logStatementText', 'true');
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE SCHEMA zimbra;
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> SET SCHEMA zimbra;
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- volumes
    -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    -- list of known volumes
    CREATE TABLE volume (
    type SMALLINT NOT NULL, -- 1 = primary msg, 2 = secondary msg, 10 = index
    name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    path VARCHAR(32672) NOT NULL,
    file_bits SMALLINT NOT NULL,
    file_group_bits SMALLINT NOT NULL,
    mailbox_bits SMALLINT NOT NULL,
    mailbox_group_bits SMALLINT NOT NULL,
    compress_blobs SMALLINT NOT NULL,
    compression_threshold BIGINT NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT pk_volume PRIMARY KEY (id),
    CONSTRAINT ui_volume_name UNIQUE (name),
    CONSTRAINT ui_volume_path UNIQUE (path)
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> -- This table has only one row. It points to message and index volumes
    -- to use for newly provisioned mailboxes.
    CREATE TABLE current_volumes (
    message_volume_id SMALLINT NOT NULL,
    secondary_message_volume_id SMALLINT,
    index_volume_id SMALLINT NOT NULL,
    next_mailbox_id INTEGER NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT pk_current_volumes_message_volume_id PRIMARY KEY (message_volume_id),
    CONSTRAINT fk_current_volumes_message_volume_id FOREIGN KEY (message_volume_id) REFERENCES volume(id),
    CONSTRAINT fk_current_volumes_secondary_message_volume_id FOREIGN KEY (secondary_message_volume_id) REFERENCES volume(id),
    CONSTRAINT fk_current_volumes_index_volume_id FOREIGN KEY (index_volume_id) REFERENCES volume(id)
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_message_volume_id ON current_volumes(message_volume_id);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    WARNING 01504: The new index is a duplicate of an existing index: SQL100504183557410.
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_secondary_message_volume_id ON current_volumes(secondary_message_volume_id);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    WARNING 01504: The new index is a duplicate of an existing index: SQL100504183557412.
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_index_volume_id ON current_volumes(index_volume_id);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    WARNING 01504: The new index is a duplicate of an existing index: SQL100504183557413.
    ij> -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- mailbox info
    -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    CREATE TABLE mailbox (
    group_id INTEGER NOT NULL, -- mailbox group
    account_id VARCHAR(127) NOT NULL, -- e.g. "d94e42c4-1636-11d9-b904-4dd689d02402"
    index_volume_id SMALLINT NOT NULL,
    item_id_checkpoint INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    contact_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
    size_checkpoint BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    change_checkpoint INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    tracking_sync INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    tracking_imap SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    last_backup_at INTEGER, -- last full backup time, UNIX-style timestamp
    comment VARCHAR(255), -- usually the main email address originally associated with the mailbox
    last_soap_access INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    new_messages INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    idx_deferred_count INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,

    CONSTRAINT pk_mailbox PRIMARY KEY (id),
    CONSTRAINT ui_mailbox_account_id UNIQUE (account_id),
    CONSTRAINT fk_mailbox_index_volume_id FOREIGN KEY (index_volume_id) REFERENCES volume(id)
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_mailbox_index_volume_id ON mailbox(index_volume_id);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    WARNING 01504: The new index is a duplicate of an existing index: SQL100504183557922.
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_last_backup_at ON mailbox(last_backup_at, id);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- deleted accounts
    -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    CREATE TABLE deleted_account (
    email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    account_id VARCHAR(127) NOT NULL,
    mailbox_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    deleted_at INTEGER NOT NULL, -- UNIX-style timestamp

    CONSTRAINT pk_deleted_account PRIMARY KEY (email)
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- mailbox metadata info
    -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    CREATE TABLE mailbox_metadata (
    mailbox_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    section VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, -- e.g. "imap"
    metadata CLOB,

    CONSTRAINT pk_metadata PRIMARY KEY (mailbox_id, section),
    CONSTRAINT fk_metadata_mailbox_id FOREIGN KEY (mailbox_id) REFERENCES mailbox(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- out-of-office reply history
    -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    CREATE TABLE out_of_office (
    mailbox_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    sent_to VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT pk_out_of_office PRIMARY KEY (mailbox_id, sent_to),
    CONSTRAINT fk_out_of_office_mailbox_id FOREIGN KEY (mailbox_id) REFERENCES mailbox(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_out_of_office_sent_on ON out_of_office(sent_on);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- etc.
    -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    -- table for global config params
    CREATE TABLE config (
    name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    value CLOB,
    description CLOB,
    modified TIMESTAMP,

    CONSTRAINT pk_config PRIMARY KEY (name)
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> -- Tracks scheduled tasks
    CREATE TABLE scheduled_task (
    class_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    mailbox_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    exec_time TIMESTAMP,
    interval_millis INTEGER,
    metadata CLOB,

    CONSTRAINT pk_scheduled_task PRIMARY KEY (name, mailbox_id, class_name),
    CONSTRAINT fk_st_mailbox_id FOREIGN KEY (mailbox_id)
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_scheduled_task_mailbox_id ON scheduled_task(mailbox_id);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    WARNING 01504: The new index is a duplicate of an existing index: SQL100504183559361.
    ij> RUN '/home/user/zdesktop/db/directory.sql';
    ij> --
    -- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
    -- Zimbra Collaboration Suite Server
    -- Copyright (C) 2007 Zimbra, Inc.
    -- The contents of this file are subject to the Yahoo! Public License
    -- Version 1.0 ("License"); you may not use this file except in
    -- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
    -- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
    -- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    -- ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****

    -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- directory
    -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    CREATE TABLE directory (
    entry_type CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
    entry_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
    zimbra_id CHAR(36),
    modified SMALLINT NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT pk_directory PRIMARY KEY (entry_id),
    CONSTRAINT ui_directory_entry_type_name UNIQUE(entry_type, entry_name)
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ui_directory_zimbra_id ON directory(zimbra_id);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE TABLE directory_attrs (
    entry_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    value VARCHAR(32672) NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT fk_dattr_entry_id FOREIGN KEY (entry_id) REFERENCES directory(entry_id)
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_dattr_entry_id_name ON directory_attrs(entry_id, name);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_dattr_name ON directory_attrs(name);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE TABLE directory_leaf (
    parent_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    entry_type CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
    entry_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
    zimbra_id CHAR(36) NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT pk_dleaf PRIMARY KEY (entry_id),
    CONSTRAINT ui_dleaf_zimbra_id UNIQUE (zimbra_id),
    CONSTRAINT ui_dleaf_parent_entry_type_name UNIQUE (parent_id, entry_type, entry_name),
    CONSTRAINT fk_dleaf_entry_id FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES directory(entry_id)
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE TABLE directory_leaf_attrs (
    entry_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    value VARCHAR(32672) NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT fk_dleafattr_entry_id FOREIGN KEY (entry_id) REFERENCES directory_leaf(entry_id)
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_dleafattr_entry_id_name ON directory_leaf_attrs(entry_id, name);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_dleafattr_name ON directory_leaf_attrs(name);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE TABLE directory_granter (
    granter_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
    granter_id CHAR(36) NOT NULL,
    grantee_id CHAR(36) NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT pk_dgranter PRIMARY KEY (granter_name, grantee_id)
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_dgranter_gter_name ON directory_granter(granter_name);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_dgranter_gter_id ON directory_granter(granter_id);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_dgranter_gtee_id ON directory_granter(grantee_id);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> RUN '/home/user/zdesktop/db/versions-init.sql';
    ij> -- AUTO-GENERATED .SQL FILE - Generated by the Derby versions tool
    INSERT INTO zimbra.config(name, value, description) VALUES
    ('db.version', '53', 'db schema version'),
    ('index.version', '2', 'index version'),
    ('redolog.version', '1.24', 'redolog version'),
    ('offline.db.version', '3', 'offline db schema version');
    4 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> INSERT INTO volume (id, type, name, path, file_bits, file_group_bits,
    mailbox_bits, mailbox_group_bits, compress_blobs, compression_threshold)
    VALUES (1, 1, 'message1', '/home/user/zdesktop/store', 12, 8, 12, 8, 0, 4096);
    1 row inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> INSERT INTO volume (id, type, name, path, file_bits, file_group_bits,
    mailbox_bits, mailbox_group_bits, compress_blobs, compression_threshold)
    VALUES (2, 10, 'index1', '/home/user/zdesktop/index', 12, 8, 12, 8, 0, 4096);
    1 row inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> INSERT INTO current_volumes (message_volume_id, index_volume_id, next_mailbox_id) VALUES (1, 2, 1);
    1 row inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> EXIT;
    Last edited by badaveil; May 4th, 2010 at 12:10 PM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin

    Re: Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and Zimbra desktop

    Install zimbra using "sh ./<zimbra install>"

    Do not install as root. Zimbra will install in the $HOME directory.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal

    Re: Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and Zimbra desktop

    Quote Originally Posted by 3L33T View Post
    Install zimbra using "sh ./<zimbra install>"

    Do not install as root. Zimbra will install in the $HOME directory.
    You are right, do not install as root!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

    Smile Re: Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and Zimbra desktop

    I just downloaded and installed it - very nice software!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

    Re: Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and Zimbra desktop

    I have taken a good look at this APP and it's neat - overall... but I think I will stay with my Kmail - it's so good... and lots more customizable. Nonetheless, Zimbra is definately worth considering...

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Post Re: Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and Zimbra desktop

    thanks all for good information ...finally

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal

    Re: Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and Zimbra desktop

    Quote Originally Posted by shtywi View Post
    thanks all for good information ...finally
    It's still in beta mode so we have to be patient and wait until the chat function is operational

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and Zimbra desktop

    Badaveil, you say....

    Yes, I got it this time! Thanks to you telling me to re-do it again but less "sudo".I placed the files under /home/user/zdesktop because it rejected the default path into /root. A proper Zimbra desktop icon didn't appear as you can see but now I know the command by looking up the icon properties. I've already created a Zimbra Desktop launcher in the Main Menu and for some strange reason that earlier desktop icon didn't work though the command I took to create the launcher does .

    .... What do you mean by " now I know the command"?? How do you use it (command) to execute Zimbra?

    And how did you create a Desktop Launcher in the main menu? I am new to this (Linux/Ubuntu)... pse guide me through your solution.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal

    Re: Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and Zimbra desktop

    Quote Originally Posted by WillemHart View Post
    Badaveil, you say....

    Yes, I got it this time! Thanks to you telling me to re-do it again but less "sudo".I placed the files under /home/user/zdesktop because it rejected the default path into /root. A proper Zimbra desktop icon didn't appear as you can see but now I know the command by looking up the icon properties. I've already created a Zimbra Desktop launcher in the Main Menu and for some strange reason that earlier desktop icon didn't work though the command I took to create the launcher does .

    .... What do you mean by " now I know the command"?? How do you use it (command) to execute Zimbra?

    And how did you create a Desktop Launcher in the main menu? I am new to this (Linux/Ubuntu)... pse guide me through your solution.
    An icon was created on the desktop by Zimbra.I right click that icon and copied its properties which is

    "/home/user/zdesktop/linux/prism/zdclient" -webapp "/home/user/zdesktop/zdesktop.webapp" -override "/home/user/zdesktop/zdesktop.webapp/override.ini" -profile "/home/user/zdesktop/profile"

    Then I right clicked the main menu icon/edit menu/ made a new item under main menu called "others" followed by a sub-item under others called "zimbra desktop" in "Name" and pasted the above command under "Command" where Type is "Application".

    Close it then test it. It works fine with me.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and Zimbra desktop

    one wonders why on earth they don't offer a .deb or a ppa for this... all these installation scripts etc are so 1980s

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