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And then upgraded and dist-upgraded. Of course, hilarity ensued.
Now, before you get all "YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO TO THAT!!" on me, I know I'm not supposed to. But hey, I wanted the new software versions, and I figured that if everything breaks completely down, I'd just reinstall. See, I was curious, just wanted to see what happened.
Now, this is the interesting part: after upgrading (and dist-upgrading!), and seeing that everything was AFAICT still working, I rebooted. The machine rebooted fine, everything seemed to be OK, I got an X login screen and all. I logged in, Gnome fired up, but no toolbars!
Luckily I had a bash (gnome-terminal) window running automatically every time I log into Gnome, and that's how I was able to start firefox, email client, everything ('cause alt+f1 or alt+f2 don't seem to work). As far as I can tell, everything's ok, except no gnome toolbars.
OK, now I figure that in order for my life to be complete again, I don't really have to reinstall: I can just fix this gnome toolbar issue. Any suggestions?
*P.S.* hmm, it seems that this question may belong more in the Desktop forum than this one... but I'm still not sure, because the problem was caused by the alteration of repository sources. Should I (or a mod) move it over to that forum?