Originally Posted by
Fewz! Another linux crisis painstakingly averted...
As for why it's not working for you Freaky Funga. I can only speculate, as I really have no idea what I'm talking about, but perhaps it's because the fstab entry that isn't working is the system partition? I.e the computer wouldn't be able to continue because it's unable to mount the OS filesystem?
Nope, system partition is working fine. This is my entry for one of drives which makes problems
UUID=b3f7fe47-5169-4e51-ba3a-93f7532c9a59 /media/data3 jfs defaults,nobootwait,user 0 0
and maybe this NFS export has something common with problem
/media/data3 /export/data3 bind bind,nobootwait 0