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Thread: error:'grub-puts' not found

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

    error:'grub-puts' not found

    I have just upgraded Karmic to Lucid,all seemed well until on booting I get
    error:'grub-puts' not found and the curser blinks at me and I haven't been able to find how to repair it,yet.
    Thanks in advance
    (This should be in installations and upgrades I think,sorry)
    I dual boot with xp
    sda1 is flagged as boot(xp)
    sda2 extended has an' lba 'flag and
    sda6 is linux,Lucid,Ext4
    I am searching thru' all the posts re MBR problems and nothing comes up when I search for "the symbol 'grub-puts-not found'
    Last edited by MisFitt; April 23rd, 2010 at 04:47 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Williams Lake
    Ubuntu Development Release

    Re: error:'grub-puts' not found

    I've never seen that error message before, is there any more to it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

    Re: error:'grub-puts' not found

    Quote Originally Posted by cariboo907 View Post
    I've never seen that error message before, is there any more to it?
    Oh thank you for answering,that can't be good coming from you(staff),wow.
    it says:
    error:the symbol 'grub_puts_' not found
    grub rescue> -(cursor)
    and I have no idea what to type,oh dear

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Re: error:'grub-puts' not found

    Could you please tell me if I could replace/repair the MBR,any links that I could understand,step by step?
    I'm at a loss here,no Google references nor forum posts so far that aren't too highly technical.

  5. #5
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    Re: error:'grub-puts' not found

    Quote Originally Posted by MisFitt View Post
    Could you please tell me if I could replace/repair the Grub,any links that I could understand,step by step?
    I'm at a loss here,no Google references nor forum posts so far that aren't too highly technical.
    It's now the next morning and I cannot boot into anything but the Live disk.
    My windows and karmic which I installed back to the Ubuntu partition are otherwise inaccessible and I can't follow the notes I took as I sought answers,trying different fixes I found on various posts and google.
    I have only the one machine at the moment.
    Fortunately everything I need is backed up safely on an external hard disk but that's not the point.I know my system could be fixed.
    There are big gaps in what I know and what I can do.
    I'm going to delete both partitions and install XP and Jaunty again,64 bit.It was stable,for me anyway.
    Anyway,I'm disheartenned by my experience of the last few weeks.I've spent more time fixing and trying to fix than using it for what I bought it for,video production.
    I'm venting in my own post because I REALLY need to.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Re: error:'grub-puts' not found

    you can load the kernel manually if you know that it's there for true...
    grub rescue>root=/dev/sdX # with /boot partition
    grub rescue>linux(or kernel depends of your grub version) kernel_image_name.img
    don't forget to use <tab> to can see available options...

    you always can boot windows reinstalling grub from Live CD, it makes update and auto-detects windows partitions...
    Last edited by xumuk37; April 24th, 2010 at 12:21 AM.

  7. #7
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    Re: error:'grub-puts' not found

    OK,thankyou for that,that goes in the notebook for sure.
    Unfortunately I went ahead and deleted both partitions to get a new start.Then,as I was installing xp it wouldn't boot back into the dvd during install so I tried 4 times,tried installing Jaunty(my dvd burner chose today to die)BUT I found one disk that would install,karmic(which has had 3 kernel crash alerts thus far btw)so that's what I'll live with until I get a new dvd burner.

    "don't forget to use <tab> to can see available options...

    you always can boot windows reinstalling grub from Live CD, it makes update and auto-detects windows partitions..."
    I don't understand how you can boot windows using the live cd and what does "it makes update" mean?
    Thanks for your help,truly appreciated
    (for my future reference:
    Last edited by MisFitt; April 24th, 2010 at 02:51 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Angry Re: error:'grub-puts' not found

    Oh, my God!

    I upgraded to 10.04 from 9.10 yesterday the 29th of april, and it happened the same to me!

    I have GRUB2, and 2 physical HDs installed:

    - the fist HD was the original of my PC, with Windows Vista. It's named sda, and has 2 partitions: sda1 (Vista), sda2 (Vista recovery)

    - the second HD is sdb, with 4 partition I created months ago, when I installed 9.10. These partitions are: sdb1 (/), sdb2 (swap), sdb3 (/home), sdb 4(fat32)

    I remind there was a question the system made my during the upgrade... To be honest, I didn't understand it properly. The system asked my something (I don't really remember) related to the partitions. I had to choose: sda, sda1, sda2, sdb, sdb1, sdb2, sdb3 or sdb4. I finally chose both sda1 and sdb1, and nothing else. I presume my problem comes from here. How can I fixed it? Help!!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Re: error:'grub-puts' not found

    I have exactly the same problem. I have/had Windows 7 on first partition, a very small spare bit then Ubuntu 9.10. after that was the scratch file for Ubuntu and another spare bit. On upgrade I had a funny message about unable to complete network upgrade but it continued anyway. At the end was the message about where to put Grub. First choice was use my local version - I assumed this was to do with the dual boot so I choose that. Then the list of where to put Grub, even though I thought the first question meant leave it alone! I chose the third partition thinking this was Ubuntu.
    On boot I get Symbol Grub_Puts not found etc.
    Yes all is backed up frequently on second hard drive and less often to external. Data is on second hard drive.
    If I make a live cd of 10.04 will that be able to fix Grub?
    I have a second computer.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: error:'grub-puts' not found

    I've got exactly the same problem and I've got Windows 7 with two harddisks, too.

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