As far as I know, there is no command to get the socket type.
lshw might work a little better than just the cat proc/cpuinfo command. You would have to search both the CPU type and the chipset, but and even that still has flaws- eg the 915 chipset ihas both lga 775 and socket 478 version.
cat proc/cpuinfo is more flawed, because of the number of CPUs that have different CPU sockets on CPUs with the same name, eg P4 EE 3.4 (socket 478 and lga 775), athlon 64 3200+ (socket 754, 939 and AM2)
*edit- I do far more hardware than software, and my prefered mehtod for finding CPU socket type is via 'eyeball'
But if anybody does know a method that will give the soket type from command, or from a GUI, in linux, please post it