My calendar is confused At the beginning it has M and T for Monday and Tuesday At the end it has 2 S' for Saturday and Sunday In the middle; ***?
19 (And if I see this hit 190 I'll be forced into booting V.I.S.T.A. for the first time in a couple of months )
That'd be fun. 20
~Do Not Be Deceived! This is a signature!~ ~$sudolife: I don't post junk but then again, I don't update it much, either~ AXE COP IZ DA BOMB
Originally Posted by Megrimn That'd be fun. 21 Yeah that it would, but with my luck I'll fall asleep at 188 and wake up at 200
22 (I don't think it is ever going to reach 200 Sad!)
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[Specs] [Tug of War 2.24] Redbull doesn't give you wings. Reporting spam gives you BEANS!!!
four and twenty blackbirds
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