All this I've got from this website *great tutorial for how to build a media server on ubuntu* Build Media Server
* all the thanks to Ian that made all those available.
How to install Deluge (v1.2.x) headless on Ubuntu Server
Deluge is a great BitTorrent client that you can install on Ubuntu to allow you to share your favourite files with the rest of the BitTorrent community.
In the newer versions of Ubuntu, Deluge comes in two parts; the server (also called the daemon) and the user interface. This means you can install the Deluge daemon as a headless service and then control it from a remote machine. You can either control the daemon using the Deluge client itself (for example the Windows version of Deluge) or alternatively you can use your browser to control it. If you've not installed VNC and are running a purely headless setup then running Deluge headless is pretty much your only option! So, here's how you install it:
If you wish to install the released version of Deluge (v1.1.9) then see the guide here: Installing Headless Deluge version 1.1.9
Updating the Source Repository
We firstly need to make a simple change to add the Release Candidate version of Deluge as a valid Ubuntu "source repository".
So, type the following command into your Putty session or directly into the command line on your server to install the PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deluge-team/ppa
Next type/paste:
sudo apt-get update
Now we need to create a new user called "deluge" and perform a couple more steps. So type/paste the following:
sudo adduser --disabled-password --system --home /var/lib/deluge --gecos "SamRo Deluge server" --group deluge
sudo touch /var/log/deluged.log
sudo touch /var/log/deluge-web.log
sudo chown deluge:deluge /var/log/deluge*
Install the Deluge Daemon
Next we'll install the Deluge daemon itself:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install deluged
Next we'll install the Web interface by typing:
sudo apt-get install deluge-webui
Run the Deluge Daemon on startup
Now we've got the components installed we need to make everything run on start-up. So, let's create the first script we need by typing the following command in a Putty Session:
sudo vim /etc/default/deluge-daemon
This will create and open a file called deluge-daemon
Next, assuming you're using Putty, highlight the following 5 commands, right-click on them and select Copy
# Configuration for /etc/init.d/deluge-daemon
# The init.d script will only run if this variable non-empty.
# Should we run at startup?
*when you paste this with windows putty go back at the top of the file and make sure everything was pasted cause sometimes i'm missing some lines or letters!!!
Toggle back to the Putty Session and press the [Insert] key once and then right click and the 5 lines we've just copied above will be pasted into the file.
Now press the [Esc] key once and type :wq to save and quit out of the script. If you make a mistake editing the file then issue :q! instead of :wq to abort your changes.
Creating the "Init Script"
Now we need an "init script". This script is rather long but we can do some more copying and pasting to implement this script. So, type the following command in your Putty Session to create and open the script:
sudo vim /etc/init.d/deluge-daemon
Next, highlight and copy this script.
Toggle back to your Putty Session and press the [Insert] key once and then right click and the whole script you've just highlighted will be pasted into the screen.
*when you paste this with windows putty go back at the top of the file and make sure everything was pasted cause sometimes i'm missing some lines or letters!!!
IMPORTANT: By default the init script starts the Deluge Daemon on port 9092. However, Squeezebox Server also uses port 9092. So, if you're installing Squeezebox Server along with this release of Deluge then you must change the port that the Deluge Daemon uses else only one of these two application will work at any one time. ie. you'd have to stop one application running so that you can run the other one. So, the line in the script which currently reads:
DAEMON2_ARGS="-p 9092 -c /var/lib/deluge -l /var/log/deluge-web.log -L warning"
must be changed to:
DAEMON2_ARGS="-p 8112 -c /var/lib/deluge -l /var/log/deluge-web.log -L warning"
As before, press the [Esc] key once and type :wq to save and quit out of the script. If you make a mistake editing the file then issue :q! instead of :wq to abort your changes.
We now need to make this script executable. So:
sudo chmod a+x /etc/init.d/deluge-daemon
Now we need to make sure this script runs on start-up. To do this type the following command:
sudo update-rc.d deluge-daemon defaults
Cross your fingers and restart the server by typing the following command:
Accessing Deluge via the web interface
You should now be able to access the Web front-end for Deluge by typing http://MyMediaserver:9092 (or 8112 for port) into the address bar of your browser where MyMediaserver is the name you gave to your server when you installed Ubuntu. Alternatively the IP address of the server works just as well.
You should now be presented with the Deluge login-screen. Enter deluge for the password and you should then see a screen similar to this:
Once you are in you could
Opening the correct ports on your router
Inorder to start downloading Torrents you need to open up some ports on your router. If you click on the Preferences icon (the screwdriver/spanner) on the Deluge web interface and select Network, the Incoming Ports (the From: and To: ports inclusively) are the ports you need to open on your router. You can obviously change these ports if so wish, but make sure they match your router settings. Make sure you also uncheck the Use Random Ports option if you're going to be opening a specific port range on your router.
Starting and stopping the web daemon:
If at any time you want to stop the web daemon then you can do so by issuing the following command:
sudo /etc/init.d/deluge-daemon stop
To start it again use start instead of stop in the above command. To restart it use restart.
*IAN NOTE: The above instructions are a summary of the excellent guide which can be found here:
How to configure RSS for Deluge using FlexGet in Ubuntu
The classic way to download files using torrents is as follows:
Go to your favourite torrent site
Search for the torrent you want
Once you've found it, download the torrent file manually
Add the downloaded torrent file to your favourite torrent client
Once it has finished downloading manually move the file to its final location. (although some torrent clients can do this step for you)
There is a better way, a fully automated way, and that is to use RSS functionality. So, let's say you're a Lost fan and you currently manually download each episode of Lost as and when it becomes available. Using RSS you can automate this task meaning you can get Deluge to automatically download each episode for you as and when it becomes available. And then, once it's downloaded it will automatically move the file to the location you specify. And this final location can be different for each and every series you download.
There is a truly excellent tool called FlexGetwhich can do this, and indeed much more. However, FlexGet can be a little tricky to get up and running and so I've explained how I did it below:
IMPORTANT: Downloading TV shows and the like from the internet can have questionable legality in many countries. So, if you're not familiar with the particular law in your part of the world then let you conscience be your guide as to what you do and do not download!
Install easy_install[/B]
First off we need to install a python setup tool called easy_install. So type or paste the following two commands into a Putty session or directly into the command line of your Ubuntu installation:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
Download and install FlexGet
We now want to download and install FlexGet itself. So, create a temporary download location and switch into it:
Next download FlexGet by typing or pasting the following command:
*this presumes that you have a version of python 2.6 installed so please check the set up enviroment from flexget website
Now install FlexGet:
sudo easy_install FlexGet-1.0r1197-py2.6.egg
Next, switch back out of the temporary download location and delete this folder and the file within it as we no longer need it:
TIP: this tutorial was originally made for a previous version of flexget that was not available anymore. So i can't guaranty it would work for you or if will get you any troubles. I've tested it myself and it worked apparently fine.
Create the FlexGet working area
Often scripts and applications are run as the default Ubuntu User. However, the recommendation with FlexGet is to run FlexGet using the "deluge" user. The deluge user is the username the Deluge daemon runs under. If we don't do so then we will hit permission problems since the two parts of the setup (Deluge and FlexGet) will be creating files and folders using different usernames and thus will be using different file/folder permissions.
So we first need to create the working area which FlexGet will use:
sudo -u deluge mkdir /var/lib/deluge/.flexget
Next we need to add the deluge user as a valid user for the deluge API. So:
sudo -u deluge vim /var/lib/deluge/auth
This will open a file called auth which lives in the /var/lib/deluge folder.
There is already one line in this file but we need to insert an extra line. So press the [Insert] key once (to go into "edit" mode) and insert a new blank line. Next type or paste the following string into this new blank line:
Now press the [Esc] key once and type the following:
This should save your changes and bring you back to the command line. If you make a mistake editing the file then issue :q! instead of :wq to abort your changes.
Create the FlexGet configuration file
Now we need to create the FlexGet configuration file. The configuration file is where we'll store all the instructions for FlexGet. ie. What to download and from where. So type the following command to create the file and to open it:
sudo -u deluge vim /var/lib/deluge/.flexget/config.yml
Enter the configuration parameters as required. See the FlexGet website for configuration examples.
I've included a working example to allow you to test the process is working correctly: Sample config.yml file
*I means Ian again this tutorial is copied from How to build a Media Server
Running FlexGet as the "deluge" user
FlexGet uses an SQL database to keep tabs on what files it has and has not downloaded. The first time you run FlexGet you need to initialise this database. So, run Deluge with the --initdb argument to initialise the database and run the script:
sudo -H -u deluge flexget --initdb
Thereafter you can omit the --initdb. So:
sudo -H -u deluge flexget
Run FlexGet as a cron job using webmin
FlexGet will execute your script each time it runs and pull down any new torrent files it finds. It is therefore desirable to run this script regularly and the best way to do this is via the use of a cron job. I use Webmin to administer my server and creating cron jobs using Webmin is an absolute breeze.
So, launch Webmin then click on System and then Scheduled Cron Jobs. Then click Create a new scheduled cron job at the top of the screen that opens.
Click the button next to the Execute cron job as and choose the "deluge" user.
Type the full path of FlexGet into the Command box. So: /usr/local/bin/flexget
In the When to Execute section select Simple Schedule and choose Hourly from the drop down list.
Then click the Create button.
FlexGet will now check every hour for new torrent files and download them for you. Deluge will then take over and start downloading the actual files themselves.
How to wipe the database and start over
As mentioned above, FlexGet will keep a record of what files it has and has not downloaded. If you ever want to wipe everything and start over then issue the following command:
sudo -u deluge rm /var/lib/deluge/.flexget/db-config.sqlite
TIP: Don't forget to use the --initdb argument the next time you run FlexGet after issuing this command.
* again special thanks to Ian that made this tutorial and many other on his website How to build Media Server
Enable connection through GTK
to connect through the GTK you have to enable first (by connection through webui) the Allow Remote Connections from Edit -> Preferences -> Daemon
than return to the terminal on server and we need to add a user and password from the remote connection from GTK
sudo vi /var/lib/deluge/auth
than enter a new line by pressing o (letter o not number 0) and inster your new "your_username:your_password:level" ex:
exit insert mode and save the file by
Enable Scheduler Plugin - you can do that connecting through GTK. The scheduler plugin is not available yet through webui.