I have searched for what seemed like relevant posts, but I'm afraid I did not find one.
Here's the situation. I am a laptop user with Ubuntu 9.10/Grub2 on sda. A second partition on sda is a "documents" partition which is mounted through /etc/fstab to my user Home. That way if I upgrade my Ubuntu distribution my documents or files are not disturbed. From time-to-time I might mount a second Linux here on sda free space, though there is not one at the moment. This all works very nicely. Darned nice system in fact. Kudos to the team!
I also have a grub2 Linux on an external drive. I intend to travel with this drive when it is not convenient to haul my laptop. I can "borrow" a host computer where I visit (mostly a family of Windows mavens) and run my Linux from the external drive.
The point: This external drive will not always be running from the same host computer, so I do not want the Grub2 on it to be finding and categorizing operating systems (or swap files!) from sda either when it is installed or when I do update-grub. I would like my sdb grub2 to catalog only systems on sdb.
Next point: I do want to put other Linux distros on this extrnal drive as well, so I will want update-grub to search and catalog sdb. How do I keep it from searching and cataloging sda?
I know that I cannot directly edit grub.cfg if sda listings show up, so what would I edit if I had to do something like that to solve this problem?
With external drives being so popular I assume somebody much smarter than I am has figured this out. Your help is very much appreciated!