Monarch Events Center Austin, Texas Saturday, April 10, 2010 Texas Linux Fest is the first state-wide, community-run conference for Linux and open source software users and enthusiasts from around the Lone Star State. Much like SCALE in Los Angeles, Ohio Linux Fest in Columbus, and Linux Fest Northwest -- and an ever-growing list of successful regional shows -- Texas Linux Fest is a weekend event geared towards individual users, rather than an expensive multi-workday expo that might cater primarily to sponsored attendees. Whether you use free software and Linux at home, in your place of business, in your school or non-profit, or you are simply curious, Texas Linux Fest offers something for you. We hope you'll join us for our inaugural conference in Austin on April 10, and meet fellow Linux users and developers from around the state. The team organizing Texas Linux Fest chose Austin as our host city both because of its strong high-tech community support, and because its central location in the state makes it an easy drive for more than eighty percent of Texans. Linux User Groups (LUGs) and software development groups from across Texas are helping us to organize and plan this event, as are members of the open source business community. If you would like to learn more, or just stay in touch, please visit the Participate page to see how you can help. If your company is interested in being part of Texas Linux Fest, please visit the Sponsorship page and get in touch with us. Register: Link Venue: Link Map: Link Volunteer: Link Contact: Mailing list: IRC: #tlf on freenode .:. .:.
Live as if every day was your last Learn as if you could live forever
I wanted to keep this post hot/alive as TLF is going to be massive for texas IMO!!!
Ubuntu Christian Edition chat on irc at server: OFTC/channel: #ubuntuCE BootInfoScript DualBooting Grub Grub2 MBR/GRUB Boot Info Script courtesy of community member meierfra and ghulselmans
Sounds like a job for a sticky!
Can't wait! I'm really trying to make arrangements so I can make it.
"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
TXLF Was Great! I'm ready for next year! about a BiAnnual!?
Glad that it was a success
Last edited by catco_designs; April 23rd, 2010 at 06:02 PM.
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