I was moving some files around and for some reason after I restarted my Home folder has become the desktop. I realised this was because I moved "~/Desktop" somewhere else" and now it was seeing "~" as my desktop. I moved the Desktop dir back to where it was, inside ~ but I can't get ubuntu to stop seeing ~ as my desktop. I want it to display the contents of ~/Desktop on the desktop, but it keeps displaying ~ instead on the desktop. Thanks.
Last edited by petaloid; February 15th, 2010 at 02:57 PM. Reason: Issue was resolved
Perhaps doing the inverse of this might work : http://www.simplehelp.net/2008/08/26...top-in-ubuntu/
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Also check ~/.config/userdirs.dirs
Thanks, jken146 and ElSunko. I tried editing the userdirs.dir file and it fixed it.
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