Hi, so I love Ubuntu however there is one thing I really dislike about it and that is the current system notifications, I mean it's utterly ugly and is exactly what usually makes me leave ubuntu for another gnome dist as i.e fedora. I managed to compile and install the latest libnotify, and the deamons for it a while ago, but unfortunately this caused banshee to throw out of index errors. Now to my question, how can I get system notifications to appear as in fedora, OpenSuse, Mandriva etc etc etc, and drop this ugly Ubuntu notify thing ?? Hope someone can help out or it's back to fedora i guess (which I really don't want as I like Ubuntu)
I got hold of a update for notify-osd wich fixed the position of notifications, however I would still like to use fedora like notifications.. Awn 0.4 do have a notification daemon which works pretty much like the Fedora/OpenSuse once, however I don't want to rely on awn as i rarely use it at all.
Screenshot as I don't use that feature
It's okay, I'm a limo driver
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