<p>For the last few months, <a href="http://www.jonobacon.org/">Jono Bacon</a> has been working with Benjamin Mako Hill, Corey Burger, Ivan Krstic, Jonathan Jesse and some other authors to write the Official Ubuntu Book. The book will be published by Prentice Hall PTR and available for sale in shops as well as being available online under the CCL license.</p> <p>One of the chapters of the book provides a range solutions to common problems in the form of recipes. Each recipe describes a specific problem complete with a concise solution. Although a range of recipes have already been written, Jono is looking for your contributions to make it even better. With your contribututions of recipes, the chapter becomes far more expansive and will cover a greater range of areas.</p> <p>If you are interested in contributing, you should first take a look at <a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Official_Ubuntu_Book_Contributions">this wiki page</a> to see which recipies have already been written. If your idea is not already there, write it up and send it to Jono at ubuntubook AT jonobacon DOT org. Those recipes selected for inclusion in the book will get a free signed copy of the book.</p> <p>When writing you recipe, bear the following points in mind:</p> <ul> <li>Each recipe should be under 700 words</li> <li>Recipies should be submitted in plain text</li> <li>Keep your language direct and active. Don’t tell the reader what you are going to do, just do it. A great way of avoiding indirect writing is to strip the word ‘will’ out of everything that you write.</li> <li>Each recipe should have a title such as ‘My USB key does not work’. Keep this short and to the point.</li> </ul> <p>The deadline for all submissions is <strong>Sun 5th March</strong>!</p> <p>Good luck!</p> <p>Terms and Conditions</p> <p>Not all recipes that are submitted can be used. Recipes will be edited for style where required. If your recipe is selected, you will be asked to sign an agreement with the following terms:</p> <p>Grantee is Prentice Hall PTR and Grantor is yourself.</p> <p>* Grantor hereby assigns and transfers the Work to Grantee without limitation or restriction, as the sole and exclusive property of Grantee and with the exclusive right to publish and sell the Work in all countries and in all languages, copyright it and to renew any or all of the copyrights in Grantee’s name or any other name.</p> <p>* Grantor warrants that he/she is the sole owner of said material and that he/she has full power and authority to copyright it and to make this agreement; that the said material does not infringe any copyright, violate any property rights, or contain any libelous or unlawful matter; and that he/she will defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Grantee against all claims, losses, costs including attorney’s fees) and damages in connection arising out of any breach or alleged breach of these warranties.</p> Link To Original Article
cant wait!
Edward A Robinson -- www.earobinson.org
I was wondering when this would be done, good on them. Can't wait.. -Ounas
I forgot that love existed - Van Morrison
How about making it dual-license? CCL (Creative Commons License?) and Gnu FDL? That way the web version may be re-used by other documentation projects.
I wonder if it'll include any info/tips regarding Automatix.
Sylvia: Look at what you've done to him! Christof: I have given Truman the chance to lead a normal life. The world, the place you live in, is the sick place.
I wonder if it will mention the forums..
My Blog | Forum Search | Forum Guidelines Please don't PM support questions--post a thread so everyone can benefit!
How do I change my desktop? How do I listen to music? My music won't play. My video doesn't play. My DVD doesn't play. I can't play games. My games are slow. I run <program/game> on Windows, how can I run it on Ubuntu? How do I change the screensaver. How do I get help? How do I get on the internet? How do I check my email? Linux is not rebooting/won't turn off/unhibernate/wakeup. How can I sync my wireless device to my (work)email/calendar/data etc?
Trying to look through my section in Kubuntu and I think I mention the forums for help on different topics, so yes the forums are mentioned. Jonathan
double post [clinically obsessed with modems, may double post from time to time, may bite, beware]
Last edited by towsonu2003; March 2nd, 2006 at 11:21 PM.
Wanna adopt your next dog, cat, or rabbit? Vote for winmodems to be supported in the next release of Ubuntu! | DialUp Modem HowTo for Ubuntu (my # of posts) ≠ (my level of linux experience)
the list in the wikipage isn't good enough. You should look into the Tips and Tricks section of the forums and check out the best rated / better rated threads... That would be really useful in a book (tips + problems). I think the documentation team (gdoc.org or something like that) is doing something similar. Could they help? PS. I just emailed the writer for winmodems (wiki page). Hopefully, it will be included. [I am so obsessed with winmodems, I may need counseling]
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