When I become root and try to run gedit, I get the error: No protocol specified (gedit:2198): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.0 This does not happen from my user profile....xhost + actually solves the issue....so I guess I just need to add the host root to the list of hosts allowed to access the x server... I try xhost +root......but that does not work.... how do I....?????
try putting export DISPLAY=:0.0 into your /root/.bashrc create the file if it does not exist if I recall, thats what fixed the same problem i was having
Tried that..not working.... Besides, sometimes when I switch on the comp, I see just two dots on the top part of the screen..and I have to restart to bring everything back to normal..
I got the following from google..it seems to work.. echo $DISPLAY # you'll be needing this value 3 lines below sudo -i # or "su -" on older Slackwares xauth merge ~alien/.Xauthority # use your own username here instead of "alien" export DISPLAY=:0.0 # use the value of DISPLAY you've seen 3 lines before I still have to wait and see if I still get the problem at startup.......
instead of: Code: sudo su gedit (which I assume you did), try: Code: sudo gedit which should work.
sudo su gedit
sudo gedit
Use gksu for graphical applications.... Code: gksu gedit
gksu gedit
Warnings dont matter. Get used to them. When it says ERROR, then you care.
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