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Thread: Need to "lock" version of X, and update/upgrade from 8.10

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Need to "lock" version of X, and update/upgrade from 8.10

    Hi all,

    I have a ATI Radeon X1300/X1550 graphics card. Till Ubuntu 8.10, I was using the fglrx driver for advanced graphics (Compiz) and higher resolutions supported by the card.

    As has been covered elsewhere in the forums, since Ubuntu 9.04, the X server version changed. The new version of the X server does not support the old fglrx driver, it only supports the new version. But the new version of the fglrx (Catalyst) has dropped support for my graphics card (Thanks ATI!). As a result, my graphics experience has been hampered since the upgrade to 9.04 and then to 9.10.

    To work around this, I did a fresh install of 8.10 again, and now have my old graphics driver and performance back. My question is, is it possible to apply all non-X-server updates and upgrades to my install ? For example, I do want to stay current on linux kernel updates, and security updates to any applications, etc. The only thing I want to prevent from updating is Xorg and all its forward/backward dependencies.

    How can I do this ?

    Thanks in advance for any help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Need to "lock" version of X, and update/upgrade from 8.10


    Any ideas ? I basically want to know how to safely lock down the X-related packages from updating, when I upgrade to newer versions of Ubuntu.

    Should I be posting in a different category ?

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