Ubuntu Local Group participated at the science and Technology Fair 2009 held at AlFateh University by Libyan IT Groip LITG, the group is kinda the official Ubuntu Team in Libya which is a good thing, they gave away free CD’s of the latest distribution, and explained how you can use Ubuntu as a killer tool to study and do complicated calculations, plus geophysics, math, mechanics and more other ubutnu linux appliances. At the end lectures introducing Ubuntu and a workshop on how to installed have been given also. more pictures Full Report Source
Great stand bravo ubuntu-ly, keep the good work
LoCo Ubuntu-tn À cœur vaillant rien d'impossible. http://zied-alaya.blogspot.com/
We did really good on the science fair and stole all the lights, hopfully we helped students understand the importance of the mixture of Ubuntu and scientific software to make their study a walk in the park.
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