hey there. long story short i've been following the thread for a week or two and recently got a WM8505 (spicy red color), been in touch with abrasive and some other peoples via the IRC room ( irc://irc.freenode.net/#easypc ) and we've been able to A) figure out an issue that ships with these devices and B) a way to work around it by using both an SD card AND a USB stick.
If you have been trying to boot debian live via SD card on a WM8505 and have not been able to, likely by getting a loader that never finishes loading, then instructions on a temporary easy work around are to follow. The issue specifically is that the SD reader itself on the motherboard and/or the kernel mounts the SD card itself in Read Only mode -- which makes it impossible for Debian to do its ninja magic and get itself running. Abrasive thought maybe his SD reader was broken, so he performed a hardware work around, but both myself and another user in IRC have been able to verify that this is the case. Have no fear! this totally works:
How to Live Boot Debian via SD + USB
Going to briefly describe the basic steps required to prepare both an SD card and a USB flash drive for live booting Debian without installing or overwriting your nand. Basically, the SD card provides instructions on what to do and which filesystem to load, and then it loads the debian filesystem off the USB stick so you can play live. All the packages you install and changes you make will stick.
You will need to format your SD card and USB stick much in the same way you previously did, difference being SD card holds the script directory and is FAT32 while the USB stick is EXT2 and holds the Debian filesystem. The following references fdisk specifications.
SD Card
Type: b (WIN95 FAT32)
Size: 32MB
Contents: scripts folder (extracted from fatpart.tgz or fatpartusb.tgz)
USB flash drive
Type: 83 (Linux) aka EXT2
Size: Up to you, but at least 256mb preferably.
Contents: debian filesystem (extracted from extpart.tgz)
Probably going to skip describing how to go about formatting, partitioning, and preparing the SD card and USB stick using linux and fdisk or otherwise, but will probably end up posting it at some point (if not here, then at the site we're working on for these devices and linux)
Both partitions (SD / USB) for use in this should be the 1st and primary partition #1 -- following instructions will expect that debian filesystem is at /dev/sda1 which it always is with 1 usb device plugged in and debian filesystem as first partition. You can adjust as needed with the manual instructions.
Manual preparation of cmd / scriptcmd
If you would like to do this manually, or need to make adjustments to where the debian fs is loaded from (perhaps you're using partition 2 and want to make it /etc/sda1p2 ? ) follow these basic instructions:
- this assumes you're using linux
- navigate your way into the /scripts directory on the sd card
- edit the cmd file with your favorite editor
- change root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 to root=/dev/sda1
- add rootdelay=10 after root/dev/sda1
- should read: setenv bootargs mem=112M root=/dev/sda1 rootdelay=10
- now execute ./make_scriptcmds
- place SD in wm8505 and plug USB stick in
- reboot, and voila.. dinner is served
Download SD + USB - fatpart.tgz / scriptcmd
extpart.tgz for the USB stick is the exact same, but here is a download to the adjusted scriptcmd and adjusted packaged version, fatpartusb.tgz
The originals:
Thank you very much for all your help and hard work abrasive, he's definitely the only reason i was able to figure out how to get it to work in this way
thanks also to everyone else thats helped me from the IRC room, much appreciated