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Thread: Linux on 7" mini netbook ARM-VT8500 ?

  1. #1031
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Linux on 7" mini netbook ARM-VT8500 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by alchark View Post
    So the hardware seems to be a standard Samsung platform. You could use just any recent kernel and select ARCH_S3C2410 in configuration to make it work. Have you managed to get root access? Probably yes, as you are reading /etc/shadow If so, then just try to dump and examine the contents of mtd0 and mtd1 to get an idea of what kind of kernel image your bootloader expects and flash an appropriate replacement to mtd1.

    However, I would strongly advise to get serial/telnet access to the bootloader before replacing the kernel/rootfs and JTAG before touching the bootloader itself.

    Upd: Also note the fact that unpatched upstream kernels do not support YAFFS2, so you would need to take care about your root FS as well.
    Sorry Dude, but I am not a Linux Guru Is just wanted to share the Information so maybe someone else has an Idea... The Booting of the SD Card via the script folder as on the other Units seems not to work , at least not with their Data on it ..



    PS: Yes, the shell has root access

  2. #1032
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    Moscow, Russia

    Re: Linux on 7" mini netbook ARM-VT8500 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by SteffenBaier View Post
    Sorry Dude, but I am not a Linux Guru Is just wanted to share the Information so maybe someone else has an Idea... The Booting of the SD Card via the script folder as on the other Units seems not to work , at least not with their Data on it ..



    PS: Yes, the shell has root access
    It will not boot, as the kernels that you were most probably trying to put on the card are for different hardware. In ARM world this is checked very early in kernel initialization process, so it will not even show you any error message except over serial console (if the configuration allows).

    Furthermore, all of this scriptcmd stuff is only suitable for the U-boot bootloader, and your machine may well use something else (and thus need different tricks).

    Anyway, thanks for the info

  3. #1033
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    Re: Linux on 7" mini netbook ARM-VT8500 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by alchark View Post
    Furthermore, all of this scriptcmd stuff is only suitable for the U-boot bootloader, and your machine may well use something else (and thus need different tricks).

    Anyway, thanks for the info
    Is there any way to access the Bootloader once the machine is running to gather this data?


  4. #1034
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    Jan 2010

    Re: Linux on 7" mini netbook ARM-VT8500 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by PrFaas View Post
    As far as i've been able to determine, the chip you're referring to is the 2 GigaBytes 'disk' (flash-disk) chip. Interesting to know that both are used sometimes. I don't know if there will be any difference between them: I've been thinking about putting a 2-nd 'disk'-chip on the 'spare' location in an attempt to increase the 'disk-space' of the machines....

    I don't think I said it the way I should have, what I was saying was on one it was on the board, on the other it was on the chip, and I did try to trade the two ram type removable chips, but it didn't work to mix-match either way sadly.

  5. #1035
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    Re: Linux on 7" mini netbook ARM-VT8500 ?

    On a completely unrelated subject, for some of you who have read this for a while may have a read my posts earlier about how my battery sencor is fried, and because of that the batter drains itself over a day or so if not plugged ing, so I was thinking i could put a switch on the batteries wire to stop it from doing that, but what I want to know is if I do that, would it hurt it for me to leave it off while plugged into the power adapter? or say if I take out the battery would it hurt it to have it pluged in with no battery?


  6. #1036
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    Moscow, Russia

    Re: Linux on 7" mini netbook ARM-VT8500 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by SteffenBaier View Post
    Is there any way to access the Bootloader once the machine is running to gather this data?
    The bootloader shuts down after starting the kernel. You can, however, dump the contents of mtd0 and examine the image with hexdump or strings to get an idea what it is.

  7. #1037
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    Re: Linux on 7" mini netbook ARM-VT8500 ?

    so, no one answered and I wanted to add something
    If i take the battery out and just have it plugged in to the wall will it hurt?
    and aslo will it hurt it at all if i take out/put a switch to cut the power to the wifi?

  8. #1038
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    Moscow, Russia

    Re: Linux on 7" mini netbook ARM-VT8500 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by DonutFUN View Post
    so, no one answered and I wanted to add something
    If i take the battery out and just have it plugged in to the wall will it hurt?
    and aslo will it hurt it at all if i take out/put a switch to cut the power to the wifi?
    In principle, it should be ok, especially if you leave the device on (to maintain some load). However, some power converters suffer when powered up without load, so you'd better check whether any chips get overheated or something. Removing wifi should be perfectly fine, as it's no more than a USB dongle taken out of its case and attached inside your device.

    Note also that your battery discharge issue needs not be a result of any specific hardware fault. These SoC's just do not really cut all the power when OS requests a shutdown (at least RTC remains powered up, and some other parts may also do).

  9. #1039
    Join Date
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    Re: Linux on 7" mini netbook ARM-VT8500 ?

    Ok, Thank you for the info

  10. #1040
    Join Date
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    Hilversum, Holland

    Re: Linux on 7" mini netbook ARM-VT8500 ?

    I have a EasyPC E700 with VT8500 chip. I tried the Linux version for this CPU but al I get is a black screen partly with white lines.

    I have managed to open it and made pictures:

    (I also asked the same question on the Nextvolume forums, but this thread seems to more alive)

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